My X-Runner carries bikes

The practice of forcing you to buy fixed amounts should be illegal. It is the definition of artifical.

Man the FTC really hates free speech lately! /s

I hope the environments either get tweaked, or maybe we just need time to get used to it. They don’t look quite right next to the characters and interactive objects; it actually makes me think “TF2 but in black and white.” Maybe it’s just that much more difficult to do a fully 3D enviro in that hand-drawn style? The

This game just further cemented the adage of “there’s a sucker born every minute.” Anyone who has been around for even a few years in the gaming space should’ve been able to see this trainwreck coming. Of course it might have become a success-against-all-odds situation but that was always the fool’s bet. And yet

That’s a much smarter way to say it than my poor phonetics lol.

Oh definitely, and they did it in the dumbest way possible. As expected, really.

Even the name is peak GM. Ultifi is probably(?) meant to rhyme with wifi, so pronounced at ul-teh-fy. But I read it as ul-tee-fee and that’s a real great name guys, off to a great start.

If the surface of the tire is worn down to the height of the module in normal driving mode due to severe tire wear, drivers can easily recognize this degradation so as not miss the tire replacement cycle

YAY MORE STREET CIRCUITS I LOVE STREET CIRCUITS. Too bad Catalunya hasn’t really produced great racing, but that’s the fault of the cars and not the track. It’s amazing for basically other racing series, especially bikes.

Well they’re a realtor who thought they would buy a Lamborghini to make money so let’s assume they’re not that smart.

Apple does things a little differently with iOS; even getting Firefox won’t let you use add-ons because of that.

Where’s the vote button so I can vote for Jay-Ann please.

I consider that more of a movie tie-in (not a specific movie, but it’s based on that property there). Versus the other examples being original games with prominent, unrelated celebrities.

Also I recognize it’s not only his livelihood to think of; lots of people work on this stuff and I guarantee he cares for them to.

Geoff clearly cares about games I just think he cares about money more. Maybe a bit of a reductivist attitude; I’m sure the balance is harder to strike than it looks, and it’s not my livelihood on the line. But he’s clearly more interested in placating business interests than really celebrating gaming or acknowledging

Did Death Stranding kick off this trend of celebrities not just being involved in promotion, but being in the game? I guess the only other example I have is Cyberpunk 2077, but still isn’t something I recall happening much before.

I have enough trouble deciding how much to do at home, can’t imagine when it’s also my livelihood getting decorated. For sure it’s dependent on the type of establishment, what you can get away with. I have a lot of admiration for those that have that deft touch; those that can decorate sparsely without it appearing

True but now I want to see it!

Just get one to Whistlin’ Diesel. We’ve seen what he’s willing to do to a $400k Ferrari, I don’t think the Cybertruck stands a chance.

How DARE you make a silly mistake on a simple funny internet comment on a fluff article!