
Technically, the Super Star Wars trilogy games already had double jumps.

Yeah the Force can clearly manipulate kinetic energy in just about every way. No reason it couldn’t be used to give you an extra push in mid air.

Jedi Power Battles and LEGO Star Wars clearly established that Jedi could double-jump.

Also getting older but I think this take is somewhat silly. The market is so massive and over-saturated that there is absolutely no way that polished games are a rarity. If you’re only looking for a specific niche genre, perhaps... but I have 300 games in my Steam list despite only buying some occasionally the last 7

I once cleared that hillbilly cannibal camp in bumfuck nowhere northeast of the map and this guy came strolling in the woods screaming "Gaaav! GAVIN!" Not sure which was more unsettling.

I don’t think we have the same eyes apparently, since most of the reviews have been average

Hmmmph goes to show it depends on who ya read because most I have seen say it is an interesting but flawed game nowhere near perfect. And the meta critic score is bearing that out. Currently sits at an 83.

I’m split on this. On one hand I am okay with people pushing past healthy limits to explore the limits of human physicality be it enhanced or natural. I think there are reasons to do that both from a competition and personal sense of self discovery perspective. This seems different, this seems like a publicity stunt

EA Sports. It’s in the game!

*sniff* These games get more and more realistic every year.

Debbie Downer.  :-)

and that makes really great writing. you don’t need to come to like them, but you understand where they came from.

I picked #3, which led to the party realizing that the whole vision quest was built on cliches.

I brought him along with me when I met Graham. What interesting conversations they had. He also clued me into the potential third route of the Monarch storyline before I got anywhere close to resolving it, which I appreciated.

People finding nude bodies sexual != nude bodies are inherently sexual.

Nobody seems to care about the fact that there are men out there that are being manipulated by these women.

future tester

That NDA’s even exist is kind of inherently awful. People should not be okay with so many crooked aspects of Capitalism seeping into every crevice of... everything, really. Especially law. 

“I am completely fine with [the perpetual taste of boot in my mouth].”

Except aren’t most NDAs bullshit? Not saying this one was, it makes sense if he did, but on the other hand, the only thing it hurt was their marketing plan. It didn’t actually “hurt” the game or community.