
But...but he was trying to prevent a mutiny!!! 

Geriatric vampires?

I wouldn’t say that. There’s also just so many games vying for our attention.

My favorite conversation on general chat last night was some asshole complaining that “snowflake kids these days” ruined WoW by demanding all of the modern conveniences WoW now has, only for someone to point out that WoW is 15 years old, “kids these days” don’t play it or care about it, and it was the old generation

It’s understandable that a game like WoW would smooth over any points of friction as the game continued to grow. If they didn’t, new players would have to play for months just to catch up to the end game.

To all the folks whining about how long this individual took to report her assault, or doing that whilst cautioning the rest of us to “wait for more facts to come out”:

First, “believe women” does not mean “convict anyone accused by a woman without trial or due process.” It means “women often don’t come forward with this shit precisely because of the victim-blaming horsefuckery that suffuses your post, so it’s in everyone’s best interests to take their claims seriously, and

Eat my whole asshole buddy

No one took any responsibility. The Caller, which publishes all sorts of bigotry with regularity, essentially just played the victim. The other two just denied it. The comically bigoted “Western Civilization” think-tank, which I bet couldn’t define that term in a neutral way if anyone asked them, tossed some bigotry

one of the most unrealistic things about Tron Legacy was Flynn’s arcade :-)

I don’t ever want to play this game again.

Oh, come on! At least Bono told us How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb.

Well, he was at the North Pole....where the streets have no name....

That’s what my ex-girlfriend, Gloria, always said.

Speaking of horses, let me introduce you to my race horse, Miss Sarajevo.

Sorry, I just got stuck in a moment I can’t get out of.

This comment section could really do With or Without You. You’re Out Of Control.

Seriously. I’d have no desire to see this happen as it would not have been a beautiful day — in fact, it’d probably have been on a Sunday... a bloody Sunday... of a new year. One thing is for certain: I’m sure we’d all agree that the moment of surrender would be the sweetest thing.

...I take no pride in what I just

Edgy take. 

As if we needed another reason to dislike Bono.