Funky Bunnyz

This is reminiscent of the way that Korean business owners rallied around Soon Ja Du after she shot Latasha Harlins in the back. Introspection? What the hell is that? It’s everybody else’s fault!

Yeah, there are two trends I don’t understand: Beyonce worship and Pokemon GO. They both have an accent over the “e” though, so they belong together. Synergy!

You’ve got no money so you’ll not get in.


He probably sexually assualted her right before pushing her over too

I’m shocked to hear such an opinion on Jezebel.

I hope the shooter is a White Guy. I know that is terrible, but every time I hear of a shooting I hope the shooter is a white guy. I am sorry for the police and their families. Truly sorry. 😓

At least the Grizz are finally spending money like a real NBA team!

Oh, I dunno. I’ve traveled around in some 3rd world countries.

Internet Woman Shits All Over Famous-ish Person Using Her Resources to Actually Help People, And Though She Might Be Blind to the Ways Her Privilege Shapes Her Perspective, It’s Still Far More Than Internet Woman Will Do

So if someone came into your house and gunned down a guest, and then the family of your guest sued you for not hiring armed guards for your house, you’d go bankrupt rather than do anything to defend yourself? You’d accept the loss of all your money, your home, a good chunk of your prospects for retirement because

Ain't this some Instanbullshit.

I was thinking it’s more like the landscape got overgrown with money

White privilege