
Is “intact” a bad word? Do you believe there is some ulterior motive behind people’s aversion to genital mutilation?

This brilliant pick-up-artist tactic reminds me of the Jay the cop in Sarah Silverman Program. He flirted with Sarah’s sister when they first met by saying “Silverman... You know, I think the holocaust was entirely uncalled for!”

Circumcision of the penis has zero health benefits. Zero. It is a myth spread by fundamentalists (who use it as evidence of god’s wisdom) and pedophiles (who enjoy sexual mutilation of children). If you think I’m being hyperbolic, PLEASE read this:

Perfectly acceptable if the author is Cockney.


The idiot driver in the first video decided to test the pedestrian detection system on a car which did not have it installed. This is hardly Volvo’s fault.

... and the espresso and shirt are, for the sake of efficiency, processed by the same piece of equipment, the HsTD S/B PU (Hydrostat-ThermoDynamic Sartorial/Beverage Processing Unit).

I agree there is a general correlation between feeling safe and being reckless. If the steering wheel had a spike pointed at your face instead of an airbag, you’d probably be more cautious.

Seriously though, this shows how Volvo built cars to survive small overlap crashes. The victim (which how any other car in a Volvo crash shall be known from now on) is a mangled deathcube. The Mighty Volvo just drives away.

I know that you believe you just made a great, snappy comeback, but you offered nothing of substance. You are still fanboying a spoiled investment banker who throws temper tantrums when he doesn’t get what he wants. He has a small youtube channel and expects people to jump through hoops to satisfy him.

Yes, there may be tens of them in Dubai. They may be shipped around the world 24/7 on a never ending Moebius loop conveyor belt. None of these cars belong to him, apparently. So why does he think everyone has to indulge his whims? He is literally sitting in a supercar, screaming and whining because he can’t play with

I currently have a cold. I can assure you that at least “phlegm” exists. Source: the tissue paper surrounding me (these papers are not published, though)

“Koenigsegg owners aren’t willing to ship their multi-million dollar cars to Dubai despite the fact that I want this to happen and I would have fun, so this has to be a conspiracy!”

You can choose android-whateverplay when you order it, according to CvK himself in the shmee150 youtube video.

YES! The attention to detail! The appropriately animated suspensions of the various tanks! The actual understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of basically every tank in the world!

Why does this post not have eleventy billion stars? Why do people who love tanks (and presumably girls) not watch Girls und Panzer?

Now playing

If you use our practical and boxy longroof tanks, yes.

Is there a support group for people like us, who have been traumatized by missed flanked-point-blank-99% shots?

Germany and Japan had to rewrite their constitutions post-WWII. They had pretty highly publicized trials where the perpetrators of war crimes were found guilty and then executed or imprisoned. They haven’t forgotten the war, they have dealt with it. Sometimes ineptly, sometimes too little too late, sometimes clumsily

“a cool teacher showing them shit”