Additional information: the picture is taken in Lidingö, outside Stockholm.
Additional information: the picture is taken in Lidingö, outside Stockholm.
"crash airplanes into buildings, blow themselves up in crowded areas"
Unrelated to this, but I feel it's just a matter of time until "policing yourself" turns into a synonym for "committing suicide".
It was until 1809. Get with the times, great-great-grandpa!
Isn't traffic in LA horrendous? I keep hearing comedians complaining about being "stuck in traffic", and "gridlock", which are two things we don't even have words for. Public transport does wonders for traffic congestion. Imagine everyone on a bus sitting in an 70s Oldsmobile instead.
Swede in 100% agreement here. Neither of my parents have drivers licenses, nor do I. Driving is not a necessity here, as there is great public transportation. Both my parents cycled to work every day.
Absolutely. It exists as a model, not as a club or conspiracy. What irks me is when supposed feminists don't get this. "The patriarchy" has to some extent become "the illuminati", a shadowy cabal that we can blame everything on.
Ma'am, as a card-carrying member of The Patriarchy, I would like to point out that this particular piece of presumed patriarchal pettiness is entirely y'alls invention. Sororities are just one of those things that went completely colonel Kurtz on us.
It's just how Japanese girls do things. Witness the perfection that is Kamei Eri and Niigaki Risa.
Nadsat, you eunuch jelly thou!
They are maid-droids that he invented and built. His droidshop went bankrupt as their defective targeting system kept putting pancakes on peoples heads. Since he's emotionally attached to them, he can't deactivate them. So he keeps them employed as his maids just to give them a purpose. Each morning, he has to pretend…
Awesome article as always! But those links to Fox News are like skid marks on the pristine cotton of your writing.
No but you see, the Charlie Hebdo massacre is an attack on all of our freedoms by evil evildoers who do evil (in a totally evil way) and is therefore really important, whereas this is just some poor black folks.
You are my new favorite.
Here's the Swedish short film "A Swedish Road", produced by the Swedish Air Force. Observe the extremely groovy porn-style soundtrack by the relatively unknown Swedish groovemeister Lasse Samuelson.
How are these puppies being distributed to the people
Just want to drop this here. Charlie Brooker and some other heavyweight comedians and writers explain why everyone has to watch The Wire. Interviews with lots of cast and crew in part 2.
Actual conversation between tower and airplane (taken from the black box located inside fox anchors head):
Yeah, I guess McNulty is the naturalest police in the room, at least.
Yes, I think part of the negativity towards s02 could be that it is very grim and grey. The docks look even more depressing than the projects. Also, everyone on the docks is poor and depressed.