
Clearly this is Mr. Resetti’s fault. It doesn’t seem like Nintendo was prepared for his retirement.

Yeah, after I started playing it, it made total sense. Maybe I just like the Beat-Em-Ups too much, but when I saw the 4-player cabinets and the different characters, my mind just automatically went to that.

The gameplay [in Street Crimes] is like most standard beat em ups, think Final Fight, but not as well made.

Wow, hadn’t realized how lackluster this year actually was for gaming until now...

If you think marijuana “literally” destroyed your brother’s family, he has much bigger problems that you aren’t aware of. If you’re talking about something else, you probably need to chill the fuck out with all that.

It did seem like it was a good game, and story-wise, was far superior to Life is Strange. I really missed the rewind mechanic, which made the first one so novel and kind of nice for this genre, but for the most part, it was still solid. For me though, personally, I haven’t been able to play beyond Episode 2 of Life is

Occam’s Razor folks... Kojima is just a shameless hack.

It took me a while to figure out the flashlight and the plunger were also on the shoulder buttons, but I did not know about using both for the dark light, and it was driving me nuts having to use the face button. Thanks!

The first episode of the show is pretty interesting and I can’t say I don’t like it, but I’m a little torn about the series itself.

You can use whatever controller you like on PC as well, but it all depends on the game itself. First-person shooters will never be better with a controller, but when it’s 3rd-person, some form of platforming, or using vehicles, controller is usually better, but I at least like having the choice. Some games I

That could easily be said for the PS4 as well. As a PC gamer, exclusives and first-party titles are really the only reason to ever use a console.

I only vaguely remember playing State of Emergency, I probably rented it or something, but it was largely forgettable. I looked it up to refresh my memory and skip around one of the gameplay videos, which constantly gives the guy penalties for killing civilians... Weeeird...

Now playing

Still one of my favorite boss battle themes of all time:

Just worth noting, especially if you only have a little bit to climb and it won’t stop raining... once you have the climbing set upgraded so that “dynos” cost less stamina, you can make a little progress.

I’m very confused... All I see are (red, blue, yellow, green) colored MS Paint scribbles on a black and white photo, and no matter what I do I can’t see the rest of the photo in color, so... are we saying that the illusion is that the entire photo is in color? Or that the MS paint scribbles being in color are the

This is great, but yeah... knowing how the internet and Twitch chat goes, especially with how popular she’s getting, it’s just going to eventually turn into people being awful for the attention, and seeing who can give the most creatively disgusting donation “for the memez”.

Honestly, I thought the same thing and played it again a few years ago... while I did quite a bit better, it was just a poorly made, frustrating game all around, but it’s really hard to see that as a kid who loves the hell out of TMNT.

In my 30's, and I am a fan of those much more than John Wick, if I’m being honest, but you’re deluding yourself if you think this move was about anything else.

Yeeeah... not sure how the hell I missed that on the first watch, but at least they changed the perspective which should hopefully make things a bit better.

Absolutely! Don’t get me wrong, Witcher 3 will probably go down as one of my favorite games of all time. I love CDPR as well, and I’ve been incredibly hyped for Cyberpunk since it was announced in 2012 , so I’m still getting it the moment it goes on sale. It’s just a really baffling move to me; I feel like it’s