Princess Pickle

Just because Gregory is kind, and mild-mannered, and polite, athletic and not into pointless drama doesn't mean he is boring. I might say that someone who watches TV all day and that writes blog posts about them is boring, but I won't say that, because that would be mean. I guess Gregory doesn't entertain you enough.

The other thing was that Beth's death shouldn't have been a shock to anyone. It was telegraphed so loudly, the only thing the writers didn't do was put her in a red shirt and name her "Bob."

I hear what you're saying, but if this was a real situation Maggie would probably die. Childbirth is still the 6th most common cause of death of women ages 20 to 34 in the US - and we're talking the US today, 2014. A few hundred years ago, it was as much as 1200 per 100,000 live births. That's 1.2%, per child.

I got a vibe from them this week that when they were talking about "It's all about what's gonna be," they didn't mean Eugene and his cure in DC. They seem to feel the need to move on from the past, toward a new future for themselves. I have theories.

Oh pish. Beth connected with Noah. They're both straight-A, clean cut, hard studying kids from good homes, who value family. She was genuinely happy to see him escape. I think they'd make a good couple, so much more logical than Beth and Daryl.

Everyone was using everyone else for something. Dawn was using Noah as her personal servant and laundry. Noah was doing laundry in order to stay until he saw his chance to go. Doctor guy was using his skill to get a comfortable, safe, boring life. Dawn was using Gorman as her heavy, to enforce order, and rewarding

/Quote "I got a "you owe us and you can pay in sex" vibe, but I didn't get a "sexual slavery" vibe at all. /endQuote

That's very true, she had deadly accuracy, shooting moving targets in the head while she was running. It seemed like a stretch to me, and I don't demand much realism or internal consistency from this show.

Just because the production team found a suitable location in Macon, doesn't mean the characters were actually supposed to be IN Macon. When you look at the map Abraham gives to Rick, their location is marked on a spot slightly NE of Atlanta.

As it's probably the same system that caused the apocalypse in the first place, it makes total sense to activate it again, like repeatedly pushing the "on" button on something that isn't working. And really, how much worse can things get?

When Abraham gave Rick the map, their current position was marked on it, and it wasn't that far from Atlanta. One would think they had made it farther.

They do laundry, they take showers.

Yes, Noah runs into Daryl, Carol gets captured (maybe intentionally), Daryl brings Noah back to the group. Then they all go in, guns blazing, and rescue Beth and Carol. Of course, the hospital and all the supplies get over-run and torched during the rescue because Rick's group can't have nice things.

Who will press charges?

I'm not sure how this unarmed man just shot two FBI agents, and probably a used car salesman. His leg wound puts him inside Lester's home. Plus the photos from the elevator camera in Vegas, which would have put him and Lester together at the scene of a triple homicide. Plus the camera evidence of him dragging the dead

You can read all the Coen brother's projects as Talmudic in scope, which means we can debate the meaning endlessly. I think that's the point.

Exactly. She laid out the entire case against him, and when he made a break for it and tried to cross the border illegally, the border patrol was waiting for him. Then Lester took himself out.

Malvo essentially offers the same choice to Lester ("Is that what you want?") We can only speculate that if Lester had said "No" it wouldn't have mattered.

Not at all. There was a dragnet out for a man wanted by the FBI. There was video from the elevator in Vegas. There was video of him dragging the guy down the hallway in the office building earlier. He was found by a former police officer hiding in a cabin, with all sorts of weapons and incriminating evidence. He was a

Thank you, thank you :) Yes, a commendation and a medal would have meant less to Molly than knowing that all of her cerebral work had paid off. For me it was at the moment when the FBI agents validated her theory. She knew then that the endgame was in play, and that her part was concluded. She needed a little nudge