Let them drive Mercs.
Let them drive Mercs.
To Jeff on songs associated with memories, I have one and it’s kinda nice (kinda). So one night I pop a few hits of acid and hunker down at my house as you do when you’ve got that stuff in you. The trip was going well into the morning, but had started to wane when my then-girlfriend broke up with me in a text message.…
I mean, these aren’t related to sports, but it never dawned on me that interstates were called “interstates” because of the inter-state nature. It was always just a string of syllables that I put together with not a thought given to what it meant.
I think we’re in the golden age of the DIY mechanic. Today, I can get on the internet and find a step by step tutorial on how to do literally anything to literally any car that I could potentially afford and I can source parts from all over the world with relative ease. The barrier to entry for doing your own car…
I completely disagree with your take on roadsters. For one, the 86/BRZ are literally the same car and the Miata/124 might as well be the same car. You’re already touting twice as many options as there actually are. Add to that the fact that the 86/BRZ isn’t a roadster considering it’s a 4 seater with a hard top.
I wonder how much a 40 coat paint job weighs.
If those are the things that drivers in your area do that annoy you, then I’m envious of the high caliber of drivers that you get to deal with.
Just to add to that, the only train lines that exist are confined only to the densely populated areas and very few bus lines extend outside of the densely populated areas. So unlike Europe where you can walk to a train/bus station from just about anywhere and get clear across the continent in a few hours, getting…
I sort of appreciate the irony in it honestly. Because the people least likely to be aware of how their provider uses their location data are very likely to have been, just twenty years ago, suspicious of getting a government issued ID because they believed it could be used to track them. I swear I’m not talking about…
Really, my complaint is that if I have to stare at the road in front of me then there’s no reason I shouldn’t just be doing the driving. All this “do nothing, but pretend you’re watch the road” crap really just reminds me of flying before we had phones to play with. Every picture I see of someone using one of these…
As far as I can tell, as long as you’re looking in the direction of the road, the system will work, so you probably could watch “Netflix” (can we just say porn? I mean, it’s porn that people are going to be watching, right?) if you had the screen on top of the dash or even in front of the gauge cluster.
Believe it or not, some of us can keep a consistent speed without cruise control. Shocking, I know.
You should have just absolutely not responded in any way to any flashing lights so that they would have found a better way. Flashing lights in my face is a great way to annoy me and keep me from using the feature altogether.
After reading through this, I walked away from my computer for a few minutes and when I got back I started reading comments. After reading your comment, I realized how little I notice these so much so that I had to scroll back to the top of the page and look at the lead image to remind myself.
I mean, there’s a good possibility that there’s some placebo effect going on here especially with the tourists. What things can result in fatigue, dizziness, ear aches, disorientation, difficulty sleeping, and headaches? Sonic death rays OR extended air travel. What things do tourists expose themselves to by going to…
I’d love to see the odds Vegas would put on that. Probably right up there with the Jets winning the Super Bowl.
I don’t know. I thought about that too, but NAs cost too much for what you get. A decent one at 3k would be worthwhile, but in my area at least you don’t find decent NAs for less than 5k. You get a leaky top, ruined interior, trashed suspension, and a good engine/trans for that price.