I appreciate the intro into the course. I also enjoyed the preview into Moving the Goal Post to Shield Yourself from Criticism 212. Can’t wait for next semester!
I appreciate the intro into the course. I also enjoyed the preview into Moving the Goal Post to Shield Yourself from Criticism 212. Can’t wait for next semester!
It looks like one of two things: a man in a world of pain OR a man known for being a bit dramatic about things being dramatic about an ankle sprain.
Millenial here. Married, no kids, homeowner. I grew up in the suburbs and have absolutely no desire to go back there, but I also have no desire to have children as I would then need to buy a car with more than two seats which just sounds wasteful.
Part of being the boss is accepting responsibility for the actions of those that work beneath you. The judge threw a wrench in things, sure, but the city and its mayor did nothing leading up to or even in the wake of the events in terms of a tangible response. Poor management is poor management.
Jefferson monument + Douglass monument > Jefferson monument
Hoe Depot?
Yeah, see I planned for the big stuff like buying lumber and whatnot. I just didn’t foresee circumstances like “taking a cooler AND a person to a place” or the dreaded conundrum “can I really drive around with this hanging out of the passenger side.”
See I hear people say that, but there’s no way in hell I’m renting a Uhaul to take the kayaks out to the lake let alone to pick up the vacuum from my sister-in-law’s house.
If this turns out to be real, I will be exactly 0% shocked. Watching any one of his events, there are are obviously hired people in the audience. Typically, they’re wearing a Clinton 2016 shirt and waving a Russian flag. And somehow no one notices the Russian flag waving “Hillary supporter” until the moment (read:…
High five. Last year, I kinda felt like I could benefit from buying a pick-up so I bought a roadster and a year later traded it in for a nicer roadster. I still kinda feel like I need a truck every now and again, but I have no doubts that I made the right decision.
My guess: Laphroaig. That shit tastes like a car accident smells.
Wine... Box... Straw... If you tell me you’re drinking this from a vessel that allows you to discreetly sip in public, we may in fact be the same person.
That PrinciPAL thing is great until you are trying to think of another word for the original value of that loan you took out.
Only if the taxes I pay on the bridge purchase go to fixing roads. Then you got yourself a deal.
Considering your only other manual CUV option is the Fiat 500L that the Renegade shares its platform with, my recommendation would definitely be to buy a sedan. Any sedan. Literally any of them will be better.
To some degree, sure, but the word “purposefully” is what makes this different. Simply not doing something on purpose doesn’t excuse you from liability in a car wreck. Causing a collision because you weren’t paying attention would not be something done “purposefully,” but “I didn’t see them” would not get you out of…
It’s not better than an ST. Not worse either, but not better.
The fucked up part isn’t whether or not it’s a political statement. The fact that the words “instrument of a repressive state” are in there makes it by definition political in nature.
By saying he’s a starter in the NFL, not a backup, what they’re saying is he costs more. I thought that was pretty clear. Same reason hiring managers at any other business turn people away for being overqualified. It ain’t about them being just too damn talented. It’s about having to pay them more and knowing damn…