
The factory bearings went out at 35k miles and were replaced under warranty by the dealership. Second set was replaced myself after 60k with non-OEM parts and lasted the remaining life of the car. My sister-in-law actually bought the car from me and drove it all the way to 170k without needing to replace them. That

Pre-~2002-2004 depending on the model, before BMW starting going very electronic, they actually were fairly reliable overall with only a few exceptions (the S70 in the 850i for example was horrible because it was literally two independent straight 6s bolted to a common crank). They even made engines that were lauded

“No car company makes 100% lemons or 100% perfect cars.” So much THIS.

Mr. Bananas is a people and he deserves some respect.

The torque curve is just so much better when you compress the electrons instead of sparking them.

If my electric car isn’t a diesel, I am raising hell.

I know from inside sources that the F-350 comes with a few gallons of Fireball and a gift certificate to Hooter’s.

That’s honestly the part that I don’t get. People are still smuggling weed into the US? The vast majority of the weed in states where it’s still in no way legal can be traced back to states where it is.

Kinda weird how you seem to get older when your age nearly doubles...

It won’t be bad for visibility for two main reasons. For one, most of the time, the drivers are either looking for traffic or for their next apex, both of which are to the sides. Second, when they are looking straight forward, they’re looking down a long straight which inherently obscures objects close to them. It’s

Is that what I said? Just because I talk about my white friends being whiny assholes doesn’t mean they’re my only friends. The black friends I have just don’t talk about this kind of stuff at least not openly or not with me. If they’re personally experiencing discrimination from police, then I don’t know about it. On

I won’t comment on sellers that don’t realize their car is worth more and instead tell a story of a friend I no longer have. He was down on his luck having just lost a long time job that was easy biking distance from his house so he didn’t have a car. Living in the country, he didn’t really have many job options that

As a white person, they are. I will be the first to admit that I am a naive person and thought the “driving while black” thing could be boiled down to coincidence and complaining. I mean, I have white friends that complain that they get unfairly pulled over and they’re actually just really bad drivers that deserve to

He likely realizes that taking the claim into literally any other country that GM has assets to the tune of $115M would question why the damages were based on revenue instead of profit. In reality, dealers only make about 2-3% on the sale of a car and that’s if they sell at MSRP. Now, I’d personally be totally OK with

Well if you can afford the Valkerie you can afford the support vehicle and the full-time servant to operate it.

You know, functionally it’s not far from being just ABS+TC because (I believe) the addition of stability control just adds some valving into the ABS block so you can brake each wheel individually plus some software of course. However, the effect is huge. Stability control is WAY more effective than traction control,

The minimum for bodily injury is 20k for yourself and 40k for other parties. Still worryingly low.

Multiple studies have found day running lights to reduce the risk of being in a collision. It may be annoying, but it isn’t unfounded. Thankfully automakers are catching up and including DRLs so that you don’t have to consciously turn your headlights on.

Technically... Traction Control has never been required. STABILITY Control has been required since 2012, but those are two different things. Traction control just cuts throttle while stability control uses individual wheel braking AND cuts throttle. Your point still stands. I’m just being an asshole.

I can understand not having an OPEN container in the passenger compartment because it’s WAY too easy to pass your half-empty to a passenger and say it isn’t yours. But not having ANY alcohol in the passenger compartment? Do lawmakers really think people who drink have so little self control that they can’t even see