

What’s the advantage of access to the ocean without a decent beach? What’s the point of three international airports when they’re all backed-up shit holes? Why would I ever want to get to Philly, Boston, or DC at all, let alone in a short amount of time? After all, that means they can get to where I am quickly too.

That surprises me. I would have thought there’d be Fiat dealerships sprinkled pretty evenly all over the place.

Renting cars. I have the “opportunity” to be in a CVT Altima right now. It’s brown.

That’s great assuming different states don’t have conflicting regulations. Let’s hope this state patchwork doesn’t look like aerospace industry standards. There are some facets of design/testing in which complying with a requirement in one document results in non-compliance with another and vice versa.

Have you driven a Chrysler 200? I haven’t driven a modern car that was worse than that steaming pile. To find a car of similar build quality, you have to go back to a time when Daewoo was still a thing.

I can’t imagine there’s a shortage of Fiat dealerships in southern California though and most if not all of them service Alfas.

Sweet tC. I thought Scion was discontinued.

So save him for the playoffs.

Never too soon to start, friend. :)

It’s ok, comedians everywhere. Don’t let this guy’s bad attitude stop you from making rape jokes and yelling racial slurs. I mean, at least you still have your integrity unlike this hack.

That’s a little redundant isn’t it? I mean, can you name a time when flowing pig’s blood isn’t festive?

Thanks for the shinfo.

As much as people complained, I enjoyed trudging through the mud last year.

Agreed. I was excited to watch a race live for a change and I fell asleep half way through. I woke up to see three people not talk to each other in the cool-down room which was equally as exciting.

As someone who will gladly sit down for a 6, 12, or 24 hour race, football takes too damn long.

As much as I like Riccardio, he didn’t start the trend. I mean, I guess he did start it in F1, but it’s an Aussie thing.

*Clap Clap Clap Clap* Deep in the hearrrt of Texas

??? If the Germans did it everyone would be talking about how it’s one more reason never to own the car out of warranty. Are you sure you’ve been on Jalopnik before and you’re not just writing this article for Pat?