Fundamentalist Daleks

Think it's a nod to Mad Men along with a lot of other things about Dougie's job like the painting in his office. Janey-E Jones. January Jones.

in a few years you'll pretend you were onboard from day one, tho.

Pfft. As if such gorgeous sound design alone is just "modern art squiggles."

It's like nails on a chalkboard. "Trolling." As if you work extremely hard for many years with hundreds of talented people just for "trolling." Putting someone's life's work on the level of simple internet asshole-ery.

Oh no! They broke Syd Field Law! Then again, Syd never managed a Mulholland Drive.

C'mon, stick the demo on youtube.

They actually do have a name they use online.

It's junk food for intellectuals. Fun, but empty calories.

Great, hopefully that will allow your soul to transcend to the next level and gain additional hit points.

that both sides are the same bullshit will never not be bullshit. My side isn't trying to kill thousands of Americans by stealing their healthcare in exchange for tax cuts for the rich.

common decency would be not to steal healthcare from millions of people to give the very rich a tax cut

I don't see a damn thing in the article celebrating it and neither do you.

it doesn't really have much to do with the books either but it's charming and the leads are fun.

I miss actual Douglas Adams. He'd be doing some amazing procrastination right about now.

They tried to recruit me at Yale, despite passing on the offer they still made me kill six people. Fucking A, man. CIA man.

she hasn't been on the press trail a lot. She was part of the EW shoot but hasn't been doing any interviews or promotion otherwise. There isn't much Audrey in the season and she's pissed about it. But then, what would you do with the character? There isn't much and she's not exactly a great actor.

naw. Bushnell is a sweetie.

oh c'mon. You never saw a fifty year old in a leather jacket?

nothing at all like that tho, is it? That was SINISTER. Candie is warm comic relief. Her relationship with the boys is comic relief.

I don't understand what the hell you're talking about. He's watching a man play the piano. Did you not look at the screen?