Bearhugger's Whiskey Cream

It’s seriously sick how Obergefell dropped and suddenly we have a new menace against our children and families since the gays are off-limits. Like the GOP literally cannot exist if it isn’t demonizing some minority group.

Yeah that doesn’t surprise me. I do however enjoy saying the word Exchequer so thanks for alowing me to use it

No, it’s not. If 100% of the people best qualified for the cabinet are women, that’s perfectly fine.

Well, I am one of those people who doesn’t think that cheating is the ultimate evil. I’ve been cheated on, and it sucks, but its never been the real problem in the relationship. There were always other issues that led to the cheating. So while its hurtful and infuriating, I think its human and I certainly don’t think

Relationship status: sighing wistfully at anything Daisy Ridley related

Everybody is replaceable.

Cheating is between the two people in a relationship. They have to work that shit out. I’m not a part of it, no matter what I think of it.

Why would Clinton be your “dream scenario” Dem if you want 50+ years of progressive politics?

It honestly never occurred to me until now that they were meant to match skin tones. But then I’m an uncultured lout.

For this we shall be judged.

Masterchef New Zealand is equally awesome. I love how they all root for each other.

Great British Bake Off champ Nadiya Hussain

She said she wants to limit choice:

As a woman and a feminist I will not elect someone based solely on their gender. It would be nice to have a female president, but I will take a male president with whom I agree with on issues over a female president I do not.

...and why shouldn’t we care about rural white people?

Maybe sex-selective abortions like you see in China, India, etc?

Here’s what 39 weeks looked like for her. She posted weekly photos all the way.

Doesnt he have enough money from his Aerosmith royalties?

The difference is the DNC stacked the deck for Hillary years ago while the RNC is only trying to stack the deck NOW.