Bearhugger's Whiskey Cream

There are lots of countries with points based systems for entry that are more attainable. Australia, for example increases your score if you have skills in certain shortage areas (iirc Hairstylist is one of them...).

I’d support the active search for and deportation of illegal immigrants if there were a reasonable way for people to come legally.

Women are also some of the most effective voices of the Conservative movements too.

Sigh.... from the linked story:

The local OBGYN? Sounds like she was single-handedly keeping them in business.

I think that would limit your pool of employers once word got out...

“We’re not going to kill you. We don’t kill women and children.”

·At least it is an attempt to get free healthcare to everyone. Not a good attempt, of course.

In that case, hooray for sexism?

Women be shopping, believe it. Men be buying.

This is now a Discworld thread.

GNU Terry Pratchett

You have to. Discworld is one of my favourite series every. TP passing away last year was just the worst.

UK here, but I really can’t fault my employer when it came to flexible working arrangements when my first son was born.

While I am

“from whence”

Was he asked to vacate the aria?

As much as I’d like them to, I think it’s clear by 2016 that films about slavery do not help us become a more tolerant or understanding society.

Never said you were stupid. Just saying the final responsibility lies with you. You honestly didn’t know house prices could tank?

Meh, paganism itself is essentially fanfic of traditions that have been dead hundreds or even thousands of years. I have a lot of respect for people of lots of different faiths but when people identify as Pagans in my head I hear “I’m a level 8 half-elf druid”.