
Is it true that he ripped a dude’s tongue out when he was in high school or college?

I like comic books, and I like the stories they tell. If the story is good, I will read it, regardless of who the character is.

I don’t think the movie bombed because of “whitewashing”, if that is what you are implying. It seems that it was just not a very good movie.

I still say my PS3 has been my best blue ray player I have owned.

Me too

Top image looks like he is demonstrating the awesome power of Chinese Finger Cuffs.

What about getting engine hours?

No polite way to say it?

Mmmmm, when I was in high school, I could have saved $500. If I ever did was a different story.

When I was younger, and performing fueled thought experiments, my friends and I would come up with some crazy scenarios.

I feel like I have heard this story before…

Are there any third party companies that perform metrics on YouTube? I know there are plenty of organizations that perform analytics, but those are from numbers that Google provides. I am talking about a separate company looking at viewership, likes, subs, as well as pay information. Is there anything like that at all?

I play on PS4. I don’t use a kb or mouse because I was never much of a PC gamer, it doesn’t feel as natural to me. I know you can get more control and swifter fine tuning but I’m good with my controller.

Vampire’s teabag. Got it.

Nope, you are totally right. Completely misread that. My apologies.

You are kidding, right?

That is not true.

Her lawyer is an idiot. I’m sorry, but he was not defending a murderer or rapist. She was charged under the Espionage Act of 1917. There is 100% precedence for the sentence she received. Anywhere between 10 years to the death penalty. It really depended on if it was in a time of war or not. During her situation, it

Wait...has it happened? Are we finally saying TH is no longer worthy of our love?

Botched toe