@electricarchie: I am not a salesman. I was just pointing out that 120 format CCD's exist. And those large CCD's are very expensive.
@electricarchie: I am not a salesman. I was just pointing out that 120 format CCD's exist. And those large CCD's are very expensive.
@Psychonaut: Your negativity interferes with my pessimism: You mean the discontinued Zune? The Zune that FAILED.
@electricarchie: Who says it has to be full frame 35?
Um... Why not use the digital camera you already have & just apply a few photoshop filters to degrade the image so it looks like a Holga.
Now if they can only make the battery run for more than 2 hours...
Well... We all know Gizmodo hates Apple now and is highly biased against the iPhone 4...
@AkkiRonin: I agree... Solar evaporation is not the way to go. A reverse osmosis system would work better. I could be hand pumped or use solar electric cells. And it might actually make enough water to survive.
Nice idea... But... I would get sooooo Seasick in that situation.
L.Ron Hubbard was primarily a scientist and an engineer.
@DirtyDogg: Right. So Apple Does not really know. And HTC does not really know.
@knwldg: Perhaps. Perhaps it's both. I am also sure many others do it too.
@Fulgurite: Yes I know. And I believe that was an attempt to make ATT's network appear to look better. When the antenna problem surfaced this lousy bar algorithm amplified the falloff reading. Basically the deceptive attempt to make ATT look better bit Apple in the ass. Fixing the bar algorithm so that it's…
How does HTC even KNOW what the complaint percentage is? They have no unified support system like AppleCare. People might be taking HTC phones back in droves and the stores are just not reporting it to HTC.
The vignetting is pretty severe.
@knwldg: I think Apple has been showing high bars for several years now in an attempt to make the ATT lousy coverage look better. The faulty bar issue goes back at least two years before the iPhone 4.
@Rondogg: They DID own up to it.
@knwldg: No... There is a misunderstanding. I was not saying it's the network. What I mean is that it's difficult to see a problem if you are being slammed with a strong signal. If the signal is very strong it will not matter if you hold it or not.... The signal is so overpowering that you will not see a drop.