
No joke, the Final Five are the most insanely talented team of gymnasts we have ever had, including the 2012 Fierce Five and the Magnificent Seven. Every single one of those ladies is just ridiculously good and if the 2-per-country rule were not in place, we could probably take all thee medal spots in the individual

This is truly delightful. I love the amount of effort she put into everything (the coffee mug, for example).

SEE??? I found this picture by googling “mean cat” and that’s what she fucking looks like, a mean cat.

This story is exactly the kind of thing that will give him a huge bump in the polls. They like him because he’s a racist, sexist pig, not despite it. Also, I don’t know if you saw this but if there was any doubt that the only illegal immigration his supporters care about is if it’s a brown-skinned immigrant, check out

In an email to Jezebel, Trump campaign spokesperson Jason Miller

In all fairness I also love that she has this evidence...

The title is insensitive, callous, and downright mean.

I think this is one of those places where you should actually let the people who are impacted decide the impact. I’m constantly told by able-bodied people that I’m describing myself and my condition wrong. They can shove that right up their “able-bodied” ass.

I’m Botched by Nature. I would love to be on this show. And I’ll certainly watch it.

I have never heard of this show or it’s predecessor until just now, and I am FURIOUS! My son was born with a limb difference and this kind of shit is EXACTLY what makes things hard for him and others like him. It’s fucking okay to look different, world! Deal with it!

p.s. not yelling at you, just yelling in general.

Def not down with the title “Botched by Nature”; people with congenital or other disorders are not fried eggs where the yolk broke. Jesus. They’re people, doing their thing like everyone does.

Yeah. Aimee didn’t necessarily write this with an outraged tone, to give her credit, but then if you don’t read it that way it just seems very... mundane. I mean, take the headline: “Amy Schemer Was Bummed When Her Ex Turned Out to be Gay” ...uh, duh? Who wouldn’t be? Like... again, how is this

Right? Am I supposed to be mad at this? It happens! When you’re young and you don’t know any better, it kind of sucks to have your boyfriend come out as gay. Even if you haven’t dated in awhile or maybe you’re STILL DATING HIM, it’s not really the ideal situation. Ask me how I know.

I’m... confused about what the angle is here. I think it’s totally understandable that she would feel a little knock to her self-esteem after finding out that an ex is gay, and I think wanting to score a hot rebound to feel sexually desirable again is within the bounds of normal behavior so... I guess I’m failing to

The dress isn’t cute :(

Though... if a hook-up app is using "Kinder" in their name, that is probably going to have bigger problems with the police than Tinder.

the GOP let the horse out of the barn a long time ago but only now is closing the doors. Except it wasn’t really a horse, but a mangy goat covered in rotten marmalade who thinks he’s a unicorn.

Articuno is real, OK? This is a good bird, the best bird. I’ve seen many, many birds and I’ve created thousands of nests. If I was elected to head of Pokémon GO I’d work on legendaries, because legendaries are low, it’s incredible. And I would create more creatures in the inner cities, which is what I really do best,

refusing to acknowledge a genderqueer person’s chosen pronouns because you’re unfamiliar with it is transphobic as fuck, fyi.

According to a local Milwaukee CBS affiliate, the events took place in January, 2016, and involved two girls (ages 14 and 15) and a 15-year-old boy who are students at Barack Obama School.