
And the first part of his statement isn’t any less disturbing:

“When I was [a BYU student], we had guys get in trouble for this stuff, so I think it’s a problem.”

Magery would be the best.

Don’t you forget one thing here? There is another war to be fought over at the Wall. If Daenerys shows up with an army in time to stop the walkers from killing everyone she has a good chance to be seen as a savior, foreigners or not.

*snort* yeah, that must be it

Well, the e-mail didn’t come with a completed essay attached.

Mom thinks that response isn’t pertinent to the subject matter? Someone else gets a failing grade, too.

I don't think stupid is his only problem. I would add lazy and spoiled to the list.

The kid is just stupid, and that’s his only problem.

i saw his young arts thing live, he was so sweet and great with the musicians and very nice to the attendees, and was hilarious to boot! i’d love to see him take the job.

Oh God. Come on, LA-based Jezzies. You MUST respond to this. I am so sad that neither I nor my extensive network of academically-inclined feminists live in the area and can lunch in Bel Air on this lady’s dime while verbally lashing helping her son.


Well you would think DWTS was equivalent in relevance to ISIS with the level of importance they place upon it.


I don't think iggy azalea has the chops for daytime talk.

One of the things I value so much, reading this story, is how clearly it shows the way that reporting someone isn’t always and shouldn’t be assumed to be a horrible excision of deep personal trauma—that the author reported him with the primary goal of keeping other women safe.

I loved this line: “I support Emma, but I am not Emma.” I experienced a sexual assault at a young age and sometimes I feel like I owe it to women to talk about it. But that’s not my process. I don’t owe it to anyone. Neither do you. Emma is wonderful, but you aren’t obligated to be her.

Thank you for having the strength to share your story.

I think too many people assume that, for anyone who experiences acquaintance rape, that experience will act like a switch on their feelings, and, BOOM, you'll clearly feel like that person is an asshole. That probably happens in some cases. But when it is someone to whom you are close, whom you trust, with whom