
Yeah, I should have included that or a #corrections hashtag. I had to read that sentence at least 3 times.

"to avoid" = to a boy?

He was really convincing in his role in Wedding Crashers.

And the cannot commit to one hairstylist and just end up cutting your own hair dealio, which is also parallels my singledom.

OMG! A dude behind me at work does the same thing. One day he asked me something so I turned around and found him in his toe-nail clipping position... AT WORK... AT FUCKING WORK! I asked him to put his foot away and reported the incident to HR.

Ellen Freeman's pic or it didn't happen.

Do you hate dolphins too?

Me too. I just can't vote for a fake tiger, however awesome he was in the comic strip.

Yes, thank you! Between these pictures and her unicorn-filled music video, I think I might like her a bit now. /runs off and hides

I have a friend who still uses lycos.com... but I still use my yahoo! address so I can't really make fun of her that much. At least not in front of gmail people.

How do I heart someone on this new layout?

don't push it, someone might go all Oklahoma on you

Kyle might have some shady in her but at least she's got some legit connections.

@CandyBacon: Oh shoot, that is 2pm... are they doing the running man?

@CandyBacon: Haters gonna hate, skaters gonna skate, but I don't know what's going on with that last gif.

All I can see are ceiling eyes.

@maybeimamazed02: I am already mapping out how to stalk him when they start filming in the SF Bay Area. I had the sadz for missing out for the open call for extras over the weekend.

Cat Deeley looks so pretty. Only thing that I cannot unsee are her toes. They're like a group of people making an abrupt stop before they go over a cliff.