
@VooDooDollhouse: I got a kiddie camera for my niece too! It's the V-tech Kidizoom... I guess I lucked out because I got it for $35.

Call me judgy or whatever, but this is the only Bravo show I can't watch. Can't stand that chick, can't stand her staff... everything's just ugh.

(slow clap)

I'd rather have a Rychelle coupling than a Ryan-with-that-chick-from-Gossip Girls coupling.

Nicole Kidman (in the pic) looked like she's trying to convince the kids to go to the North Pole with her to separate them from their daemon. Maybe that's why they live with Tom Cruise?

@4nth0ny: Just visit the Bay Area and you'll find down jackets/vests everywhere.

@TheGintheCity: OP meant Steven Bing, the Hollywood producer who fathered her child.

@Lida Rose: I don't want to be mean, but with all the celeb break-ups going on, why is this even around? It just doesn't compute.

This newsbit hurts a lot more after watching the video of him reading "Hey Girl" yesterday. (; _ ;)

@mandabear: One of my favorite gifts from "Santa" was a MAD board game (I think I was 10). It's like Monopoly, but the opposite: the one who has no money at the end is declared the winner. :D

@Pyrowrx: I know. He's my favorite out of all the "celebrities" I share a birthday with... oh, and Patrick Ewing.

@howdini: What??? You've never heard of The Notebook? Admitting to watching that movie (and loving it) is the easiest way to the ladies' pants.

@Snarfblat: Is this bunny for real or a really good costume (sorry I have bad eyes)? Either way, James Franco would like to speak to you.

@badtypo: @stacyinbean I also don't have much to add... but I'm more tolerable with difference in musical tastes, than say, TV show or movie preferences. If there's any Harvard drop-out out there who wants to pick up on this and earn gazillions by the time he turns 20... you're welcome.

She was a season too late for that show Bridalplasty

@Spacemilk: I'm sure the couple didn't mind the clicking sounds then