
We still have Mr. Rogers, we still have Mr. Rogers... 

Trump supporters are jingoists.

Posted over on the io9 thread.

64 yr old was British, that was his hard Brexit.

More like Retch-Up amirite?

Eh, couldn't happen to someone who deserved it more.

99 little bugs in the code
99 little bugs
Take one down
Patch it around
105 little bugs in the code

“If conservatives become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will abandon democracy.”

Drumroll please!

This is the opportunity to snuff out the conservative/fascist movement. This is our Great Depression and our World War II. It’s time to give the killing blow to the republican party and all of the right wing authoritarianism, greed and careless disregard for human life that Trump and the republican party embody.