Waffle simply because it has pockets to hold all that delicious butter/strawberry/banana/syrup.
Waffle simply because it has pockets to hold all that delicious butter/strawberry/banana/syrup.
All these people bitching in the comments about health insurance.
1) This kid lived in cali, health insurance is free IF you sign up for it, and meet the requirements.
2) This is on the parents 100% for not signing that kid up period.
3) Health insurance is mandatory as of January 2020 for every Californian to be…
Read other awful jzebel articles that baselessly accuse people of racisim being born a man or insert other drama related b.s. Enjoy.
ol butterface.
Did he do it for her or for himself?
He did it for himself. How did you not get that he didn’t give her the choice of self sacrifice? The ability to stop what happened to her, the loss she felt from occuring again. He didn’t tell her the truth he made the decision for her. How you don’t know that doesn’t make any…
Fuck pod racing bring back super bombad racing.
I actually really enjoyed arkham knight with all the riddler trophy’s will wb studios ever make another one?
aS a border this offends me
You sure those giant tentacles aren’t just upside down
what about people who have old gamertags that are 15 already?
Glad someones decided to jump this sunk ship.
why don’t you just replace the screen and get a new button?
Is it for sure racism? And not just some dumbass kids pushing buttons?
So what you’re saying is it’s alright for a mentally handicapped black kid to do it, but when a white person does it their the devil. Listen either its all not ok, or its ok. Making it rain on a bum is not ok.
Gonna be honest at first i saw the stantler i thought damn thats thick, then i thought damn thats half thick, and then i thought damn that very aggressive ass cancer has made that stantler half thick.
You realize that every console is sans nintendo. What you think the playstation is that different?
Dragon age origins, and dragon age inquisitions are the only good dragon age games. Dragon age origins is the best bar none. Dragon age 2 is hot dog shit. The story is trash, the characters are trash, the gameplay is trash. The storyline is trash. Me i’m right cause im tight as fuck.
So yeah nda like that completely in enforceable i’ll take that gamble. You unfunny clown.
So why not just have the double jump at the start? Wasn’t that the whole “plot” exposition. Can’t use force because reasons to ex machina cliche bad guy etc. etc. It’s predictable to a t, but still i mean the slide show it is on consoles should be more of an issue then the ability to double jump kashyyk and the…
yes, because that matters if someone punches you, you have the right to punch back. You know that self defense thing.