I’ll wait until they go down for months and have my credit card information stolen and dont tell me.
Because it’s an american audience who doesn’t watch anime that they are selling it too. 60% + of the american audience is white. Most world renown actors are white. IT’s a fucking anime and you’re arguing about race. An anime about amorphous men/women who are entirely interchangeable with longer hair and drawn…
Maybe grow a pair, and realize. That it’s not the end of the world. As it would’ve been with wishy washy pants and her commie sidekick. The world moves on. It’s not the apocalypse yet.
what r u sayn my wii nunchucks were supperrr coool. Nerd.
They should do a japanese anime on the rape of nankin, or the countless other atrocities perpetrated by japan and it’s Asian genocide.
If she’s the only person who gets this kind of shit then, yeah quit. If you can justify it, sure. If he does this kind of shit and you don’t have an alternative. Suck it up, Aww he heawt my poo wittwe feewings. Fuck it, i’d take the abuse and gargle his balls, in this economy anythings possible.
So i dont want to sound insensitive. How does getting your ass grabbed make you wanna cry and vomit? I mean clearly this might’ve brought back past experiences, assuming their are some. I just don’t see how it causes such a vomit/cry inducing experience. I’m not justifying his actions or anyone’s actions doing that to…
Man the gaming industry is turning into hollywood sequels. Please for the love of god, who are all these fucking people that play card games and how the fuck are they driving enough revenue to justify putting out all these fucking card games?
Is that the new thing, we dont have anything to show yet, so fuck it lets…
Or they could’ve just come out with a game people wanted to play in the first place. Even with all their updates i strongly doubt it’ll be anywhere near what they promised. Unless that update is to a different game.
Or you can eat the hotdog like a human being you degenerate.
Good honda’s are dumb and for plebeian’s and asian moms. Look at me with my practical mom car, oooh look how durable it is. Go jump off a roof?
You know who else doesn’t have any regard for someone else. Someone who posts pictures of minions as their f***ing profile picture.
Good it’ll be a cold day in hell when those entitled shits without families get to come into my country.
I dont know if i should feel bad or laugh, when you look more of a man then your husband ever did....
do you un ironically have a picture of that minions movie? Your opinion is invalid.
Yes, the black women worth over $150 million should talk about a “gender and race” based pay gap.
It’s not a question of appearance. You are in the service industry and if you act like a cunt to your customers you wont get returning customers.
Every time you or someone at kotaku ask’s what are you playing and every time it’s a picture of geralt from the witcher 3? Either everyone in kotaku has a hardcore boner for the witcher 3 or someones being paid to do this .