Kyle Grease

Shut the fuck up asshole.

Separated at birth?

No more old candidates. And I’m an old person.

And people attacked me for saying that LiAngelo Ball should have stayed in China to face prosecution. 

For all the ranting and raving about Trump by the majority of the population (and rightfully so, he is insane), I am far less troubled by Trump than the ever disturbing persistent realization that Americans are the dumbest mother fuckers around for actually being so goddamn stupid that they elected this shit stain as

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, if you have to tell everyone that you’re a brand, then you’re a really shitty brand. No soup for you!!!!!

That’s the way the Lavarr Ball bounces.

I still don’t know if this is real or a particularly elaborate practical joke.

I agree. The backward quotation marks are too confusing.

After FDR we got the 22nd amendment to the Constitution, so sadly we can’t have more Obama.

I mean, I agree with the sentiment, but

Theyrè young. They’re teenagers. They’re too both stupid and preoccupied with their phones to worry about any such consequences.

Can you imagine if “O” was president and had these numbers - would be biggest story on earth! Dow now over 25,000.

Ol’ Uncle Joe is an inch from starring in his very own #MeToo moment. His behavior around women and girls has been... less than exemplary over the years. All of that would come out in excruciating detail during a campaign.

Joe, my dude....no. The time has past. You wanna play the Elder Statesman? Good. Fine. But your time has past. We NEEEED new diverse people with new ideas to step up. Smart people from every background with actual imagination that have some chance of keeping pace with how the world moves now.

I think the most instructive view of this book is not as a clear, accurate depiction of what’s been going on inside this White House, but rather as a clear, accurate depiction of what staffers inside this White House are willing to say to each other and random reporters standing around in the corners.

Because fuck baby boomer neoliberals who have done nothing but endorse the status quo for the last 40 years.


Tomi Lahren, Lavar Ball, Britt McHenry, Stephen A., Megyn Kelly, and/or Lena Dunham would all make equally pleasurable choices.

not in good restaurants. maybe in shitholes. the specials are a chance for the chef to make something that is outside the bounds of their regular menu. maybe something a little more adventurous or hyper-seasonal or featuring a cool ingredient that isn’t available regularly enough to be on a printed menu. in the case