Kyle Grease


amen brotha

6 teams of 10 in a region, say SoCal, Nevada, anything suburban in that area. 60 players. 600k for salaries (10k a season). Boom. I don’t think he’s gotten that far.

Blacks getting all upset about how bad behavior is cultural appropriation. Y’all sho dew have a monopoly on dat shit. ‘least the ignert shit.

int’ IP treaties

America is fat.

Did Guillermo show up?

Weed is weed, no matter the quantity. du du du du

It’s just WEED

Now playing

Do you or do you not want people to not go to jail for weed?

Are they gay for each other? I’m just asking questions.

It’s a dress up party. No one is obligated to “ask around.”

Do you listen to this and do you refer to it as music? it’s garbage.

Hurr durr, see der, da womenz folk can be badz too! Toed ya so milenials.


Take a chill pill, Jared.

Correct. Last June, I read a series of articles in the Dallas Morning News about how understaffed and underfunded Texas CPS was/is. It came to light after they found some kid, dead, stuffed in a closet.

Daddy drop you on your head, retard?

As a white guy, not scared. He’s just a deflating gasbag, humiliated in front of the world. Here’s to his rapidly approaching mortality!