I urge you to write in to Amazon, Todd.
I urge you to write in to Amazon, Todd.
Uber and Lyft exist for drunks. Can’t agree with that particular point.
I discussed this with my girlfriend and she was said, “why not just get a locker for your porch?” Besides the aesthetics, why isn’t this a good idea?
* Internet Tough Guy Alert *
People usually invite non-kinfolk to those events to act as buffers between them and their grating family.
I’d hate to get in the way of black folks giving themselves congestive heart failure.
Marijuana has been legalized, at least at the medicinal level, in 27(?) states. Not to equate that to opioids. Switch to safer, natural drugs.
Root. Is something going on here? You are highlighting legitimate black issues instead of fomenting anti-white bullshit. Excellent work!
I don’t have a twitter account. Somebody do it for me.
What, no! Shut down game 3. He’s money on away games.
From 2-6 p.m. on Nov. 1st. Doritos Locos. You win diarrhea.
0 sacks on the season. All the work out videos mean shit.
This take isn’t too terrible, except he would have only got to third.
Puig put his bat down gently in the dirt after he ripped his HR. Like he was setting down an infant.
Great game. I will trash Dan Le Batard on his twitter feed because he will just complain about football and say “value” when talking about the Pats. But, this was thrilling shit! Back to back bombs in the 10th. And a comeback. And with Puig at the plate, the guy throwing nothing but change ups. Wow!
What a series we’re in for!
Sit ‘em both down in the same room. Make them both apologize. Any re-occurrences result in expulsion. Do you understand why the angry black man hit you? Do you understand how you made a teenage kid an angry black man? Do you realize that trying to beat people won’t solve anything? You realize you could have confronted…
Spreading vegan ideas without using the code word, ‘vegan.’ Smart.