Kyle Grease

Puig put his bat down gently in the dirt after he ripped his HR. Like he was setting down an infant.

Great game. I will trash Dan Le Batard on his twitter feed because he will just complain about football and say “value” when talking about the Pats. But, this was thrilling shit! Back to back bombs in the 10th. And a comeback. And with Puig at the plate, the guy throwing nothing but change ups. Wow!

What a series we’re in for!


Sit ‘em both down in the same room. Make them both apologize. Any re-occurrences result in expulsion. Do you understand why the angry black man hit you? Do you understand how you made a teenage kid an angry black man? Do you realize that trying to beat people won’t solve anything? You realize you could have confronted

Spreading vegan ideas without using the code word, ‘vegan.’ Smart.

Maybe iss why you caint get a job!

I wonder if the kid taking swings was the subject of the messages? Or if he was just going to be that guy?

The real question that needs to be answered - why does this kid want to bring more black folks over? It doesn’t seem to jive with his hatred of them.


So, was this a big game or not?

World Series, baby!

I clicked on the red button and it still played.

I think it’s because the YouTube ad in the background makes it look like you’re waiting to start a video?

reedin’ is hard :-\

Isn’t that what you people wanted to be called?

Ya, the ‘60s, when they put a man on the fucking moon!

I mean, there’s some hostile minorities out there. So that’s why you don’t hang out in shady places. But the guy with the eye tear drop tattoo probably isn’t going to arrest you or pass you over for a promotion. So I’ll take being white. I don’t have to exist in black america, but black folks certainly have to exist

I don’t get it.

Sacrifice one sister for the good of the many.