Kyle Grease

Most of them have non-guaranteed contracts. And they get game checks. I don’t think him “benching” them would impact the bottom line for that day, but they could be cut. Very few have guaranteed contracts, and it’s usually only a portion of the “big number” that you see in headlines.

cool with slavery = i’m a cocaine platter. fuck off with that nonsense.

The Root - where I come for you to do stupid wypipo shit and to troll, and you’re actually doing journalism. Keep it up! Legitimately, the last few days, ya’ll have toned it down yet ramped it up in favor of actual stories that demonstrate the systemic racial oppression this country can no longer continue to ignore.

Use more lime juice. And keep it in tupperware. In the fridge. Away from the general populace.

goat cheese

Melania and Obama...

Yes. It’s a lifelong march towards realization, that after the Quincy Carter years didn’t look so hard. But they keep drawing you back in. When I move out of Dallas again, it will be much easier.

* Massah Jerry. Jimmie left in the 90s, much to the chagrin of many Cowboys fans.

Nothing negotiated between the players union and owners forces people to stand for the anthem. Jerry Jones can’t just arbitrarily make up rules. Though I’m sure he’ll be glad to pay for the lawsuit against him. Or he’s just trying to head one off.

Needs one of the cops shouting get down.

I’d just like to say that Dak and Zeke are still on the rookie pay scale, and that’s nothing to shake a stick at, but that’s a hard call to make. They definitely would use a lot of future earnings to get nuclear- and extended-family members an edge up in the future. Jerry Jones is too conscious of his spending on

Holy shit, 3-2 at halftime.

Jesus. Looks like the set of a Terminator film.

I planted a desert willow on my folks’ property two weeks ago. Hope it grows up to be a big tree.

Greg Hardy got all the gunz, baby!

You conveyed nothing in this post.

Plant a tree in your yard and maybe it won’t go after your siding.

Yes, let’s have more poor, single, unwed mothers so we can be like fucking Nicaragua. I piss on the dumpsters of the aborted babies at the Planned Parenthood just to disrespect their graves.

Shut up and go away. Or at least produce an argument that this somehow benefits anybody. Are you gonna move to Alaska to work the drill rigs? Are you gonna cut down trees in the Keys? No, you’ve got too many opiates flowing through your body and instead of getting off on porn, you’re trying to piss of “libruls.”