Kyle Grease


We would have excoriated you if you didn’t have the outrage meter dialed to 11. You fucking idiot. There was a whole article and you ripped one sentence out of context.

Honestly, it depends on what you mean by substantial. Because liberals love locking people up and shouting about over-incarceration in the same breath. 3 months, if she’s guilty.

That guy started it. He was reaching into his pockets. He had an aggressive tone. He failed to comply with initial requests.

I take this from Dan LeBatard - it’s about labeling the person, not the action. Or vice versa. Dan, on his radio show, can say that behavior is racist, but he can’t call the person a racist. Now, this is only to avoid libel suits, and I thought it was enlightening before typing out my comment.

I like Bing and especially, the daily photo.

It’s not a ridiculous proposition to limit the powers of the CIA, FBI, and NSA. It’s just that I don’t trust this guy to do it.

this is idiotic nonsense. re-write needed.

yes, check yourself black man at all corners because people are telling you to and you’re so woke. what a joke. don’t listen to these assholes and just be yourself.

Hachi is an ignorant bitch.

TERF - making shit up and sounding stupid.


I more meant that out of 7 billion idiots on this planet, our ratio is not hot right now.

7 billion dude.

Asking for a million in damages isn’t helping her cred.

Get new friends.

Wow, ya! I just totally accept as fact the allegations in a lawsuit that is asking for a million dollars in damages.

Totally allowed because child molesters get what they deserve.

So you’re saying this is a Paterno, UPenn thing? Because that makes it a different story.

Oh jesus, a two year old. Just give her the electronics and call human interaction dead.