Kyle Grease

My family dog once ate a whole tray of oreos.

No you’re not. Thanks for lying to the internet.

A little green, yet enthused. It’s just like the players - by week 8, he’ll be fine.

Come on...it’s blacks are targeting Jews now because liberals are divided.

Great job by the family. If you take him off life support, you never see that green. Now you can strap him into a gold-plated wheelchair!

NEVER FORGET! 9/11 was such a weird day for me. Junior in high school. Learn about the planes hitting in computer science class. But it was sort of just a news flash. 2nd period - Spanish teacher married to a Middle Eastern dude was saying yay, “we nailed the pentagon.” I walked to the chapel for an emergency

Hey! This country gave all those nice, black (mostly non-violent) crack addicts a roof over their heads and three square meals a day. For twenty+ years, to boot! Obammer even let some (few hundred) out as an amnesty project. I eagerly await your retraction.

Somebody pull this out of the greys.

It’s fucking generic at this point.

I believe the steps to creating the crisis were:

Really? You read that somewhere? That sounds like FAKE NEWS.

i prefer this phrasing - repealed ISIS and bombed Obamacare.

7 lines is hard to read. #illiteracy!

Jeff Sessions. Obama and his AG were doing that sort of shit with Ferguson and Baltimore.



And the offices in Kenya will be blown apart and the staff will get STDs and their babies stolen by the Muslim Brotherhood.

They’re trying to change it.
