Kyle Grease

This is A+ shit.

You should probably (re)watch Twister, just to shout at the screen - “Ya, but I did it when I was 9!”

Can you imagine keeping a burner for 5 years? I only keep mine for a few months if I manage to not post something offensive on Deadspin within the first twenty comments. Otherwise - blammo banneddo!!

This sort of good stuff never makes it to the top. That’s great.

The parents have to bury their child.

When is it ever enough?

You should send an e-mail to any of the sites under this umbrella about this. The conclusion is obvious, but the process is fascinating. I feel like a lot of good people get screened out or drop an offer because of the pressure to compromise one’s morality.

Hey baby, haven’t you heard of contingency fees?!

This quote says the Sup. Ct. struck down the law. I think you can go back to defacing it now, if you feel the need.

Blue lives matter laws - a real thing - as if killing a cop isn’t already going to get you the chair.

But you have to love flag enchiladas. The kind where you get three enchiladas, one with sour cream, tomatillo, and tomato (or chili con carne) sauce. It just happens to be the colors of the Mexican flag.

“WEATHER TERRORISTS!” - Dan LeBatard talking about meteorologists.

Now playing

Fuck, if we’re doing full blow nihilism, then it’s always: Cattle Decapitation.

At this point, if you’re still seizing upon people that tell Hilary to go away, and are still latching on to them as Trumpkins or Bernie Bros., you are the problem. She had two chances. She mucked them both up. No one wants to elect her to the White House as a 74 year old person. At the very least, we have to

Talk. It’s a great sport.

congress = house + senate

if lebatard is off air, no one else gets to have fun. miserable work day.