They should put boxing on tv.
You basically stole LeBatard’s take and added a buncha fancy boxing terms. Unsurprising since he constantly references your site.
But our people wanna be L.A....
Have not had that experience in any of the three Dallas locations and I usually go by bike with a backpack or just in gym shorts. Almost everyone is in workout clothes.
Person. Go into any grocery store you want while we still have a free country. I live in Dallas and the Whole Foods is nothing but hot blondes and yoga pants. It’s your god given right to have eye candy while you shop.
I keep holding out hope that the little guy will use his minuscule powers to at least deny their overlords just short of everything.
Pastor Rob Jeffress of the First Baptist Church is on the record saying, “Trump has the god-given right to nuke the hurricane if it means no games will be played in Florida.”
It’s not like the voters didn’t have a chance to say no.
Kaep and Prescott have a pretty similar skill set.
Dilfer, or the brothers on ESPN. I forget their names.
Julio Franco or maybe Mickey Tettleton? Or maybe the Rangers of the 90s just made good guys look bad.
I like it.
Wind, solar, nuclear would be fine.
He certainly got that death he was wishing for.