
There’s at least one actual statistical analysis that shows Bernie supporters are just as proportionally hostile as every other candidates supporters, so maybe we can fuck off with that argument already?


I’m a die-hard Bernie supporter, but I’ll vote for Biden. Do I have faith others will? No, because most gave in to fear and nominated the “safe” candidate, and there will be no enthusiasm from anyone except Republicans. Just take comfort in the fact that you’ll be able to blame your mythical “Bernie Bros” when Trump

that’s clarence thomas, re: abbaas’s recent reply.

What you fussing at me for?

we’re still being blamed for the poor running candidate that acted as if this time were her turn, and she still won the popular vote even though she couldnt bother to campaign in the states with the delegates that fucking mattered.

cant wait to hear it about biden too. it’s literally already starting in this blog post.

It’s over. Ya’ll got the person you wanted. The rest of us who wanted Sanders just couldn’t convince you. Maybe we were too whiny, a little too enthusiastic, and bit too bombastic. We shoved when we should have pointed. We screeched when we should have whispered. Instead of building a team, perhaps we built a rampart.

LOL, we continue to insult the Bernie Sanders supporters yet expect them to line up in support of Joe Biden. Come on people! And yes, the DNC did encourage a “stop Sanders” movement, let’s not pretend otherwise.

I hate that i didn’t even get to vote yet and the presumption is decided. I really dislike Biden. I really dislike being told I should just fall in line. My friends in MD who supported Warren, didn’t even get to cast a vote for the person they liked.

It’s all so shitty.

I think we’re in for 4 more of Trump. even

scrolling, scrolling, yep, no mentioned of the rampant voter suppression throughout michigan. You are a bootlicking shill.

Well, America voted for another 4 years of Trump. Trump will absolutely destroy Biden in any debate. Shame about Warren, shame about Bernie. Either of those two would have killed Trump with only a few well placed sentences.

Ah, yes, compared to Biden and Trump, Bernie is the one who is most like Grandpa Simpson. Right.

More than anything tho dude, I think most people voting for him just can’t see Biden, the republican’s favorite canidate, actually winning or even improving anything if he does win. Like the dude is the definition of stick to the status quo and the status quo under trump is a nightmare.

Its okay nothing will stop people listening to uber rich people telling the lower classes that them actually paying taxes is bad and going bankrupt when you get seriously ill or injured is good. I’ve kind of just accepted that that’s the “American Way” at this point

If by, “taxpayers,” you mean the uber wealthy who skirt taxes by whatever means necessary, then sure!

Yeah, it was called Dachau, and it took place over 80 years ago, and it wasn’t a game. It was real.

LOL. no one gives a FUCK about south bend. not even fucking pete buttigeig.

get real.

‘Black people hate Bernie because his policies will do nothing for them!’

well. Hillary is also a loser? Biden’s third try. He is a double loser?