You can tell this racist, living cancer cell is a frequent visitor to most white nationalist message boards like Daily Stormer and 4Chan’s /b/, probably with the user name WhiteCultureWarrior88
You can tell this racist, living cancer cell is a frequent visitor to most white nationalist message boards like Daily Stormer and 4Chan’s /b/, probably with the user name WhiteCultureWarrior88
For white nationalists and other right wing scum insincerely “concerned” about immigrants doing things the “right way”, this corrupt example is “the right way”. Which ironically rhymes with “white way”.
Found the white nationalist. Hey fascist, how much do you want to bet that the next march you attend, you’ll be the one getting knocked the fuck out?
The thing about that garbage fuckface is that he is casually implying that any crime committed by a black person justifies, or negates, any crime or crimes intended to be committed by white nationalists against black people and other POC. Even if the crime committed by a black person is unrelated to race. Even worse,…
lol anything to justify violence against black people and other POC, right you fucking piece of glowing shit right wing dickstick?
Yep. If I were a little more open to conspiracy theories, I’d say they took a page right out of the Republican’s playbook: Dismantle the system from within, and when it breaks, claim it doesn’t work and shouldn’t be important anymore.
Agreed. This looks like some classic DNC cowardice at play.
I guess I should be laughing at the hilarious ineptitude of all of this, but it’s just depressing to witness in real time. Especially since they’re probably going to announce Buttigieg as the winner, and watch their support dwindle down to nothing. I would say we’re handing the fascist authoritarian the election, but…
That app was partially funded by Buttigieg’s campaign; one he urged for after he demanded they use a more advanced method to “get the count out to the media faster”. I mean, I’m not one for conspiracy theories, but this one smells like stagnant sewage.
Ah, my beloved time-waster from way back when; SnowCraft. It’s on there. :)
So why don’t they do that with every other hacker who gets caught?
I think it’s time for something different. We can hope and pray and all that shit, but ultimately, white supremacy will win. And it will make sure those who denied its power will pay, in one horrifying way or another. We can no longer rely on the normal channels to hope something saves the day, and we no longer fall…
Of course most gamers on here agree with you. They’re still whining about not being able to say homophobic, sexist and/or racist epithets without “someone complaining about it”. Fucking crybaby incel fucks
“Me and my trenchant mouth!”
This shit is so sad. I know it’s not a new take, but the fact that people will deny the facts about vaccines but openly and willingly take this charlatan at his word, and as gospel, is depressing as all hell.
Stephen Crockett seems like he’s on a one-man mission to dismantle the Sanders campaign. Won’t work tho
lol McKinney was the one who put forward the “gay panic” defense, so reach out to him about how this ultimately “wasn’t a hate crime”. And most of the people who claim that it was instead a robbery gone wrong are the people who were convicted for it, including McKinney’s girlfriend, so Jimenez’s book is still purely…
lol now he thinks that the fact that Shepard used drugs and that McKinney may have been pimped out alongside Shepard excuses the murder as a hate crime. Yeah, it’s been known that he was using drugs. He was raped and went down into a spiral of depression and drug use. Victims are not perfect human beings, you fucking…
Adolescentjourno actually thinks he can convince us of “what actually happened” to Matthew Shepard, ignoring the decades of awareness of the case and all the facts surrounding it. Fascist scum never give up their gaslighting dreams, do they?