
lol you know, if you cared about your intentions not being misrepresented, you would have left the original conversation up. Still, none of what you said was misrepresented unless you had absolutely no idea what you were talking about. But something tells me that you did. Fuck you, you insincere cretin.

Speaking of racist apologists, here are some of the dismissed replies I’ve sent to babaelon, a concern troll and insincere bullshitter extraordinaire:

lol holy shit you are not talking about that. You’re instead using it as an excuse to, again, muddy the waters of intent, lending plausible deniability to white nationalists and other racist scum. “How can we be sure someone means the n-word in a racist way if black people use it too?” is your astonishingly real

The media is often craven and too worried they’ll upset “both sides” so they strive for neutrality. But, as you pointed out, it almost always seems to help the white racist man, or the right wing in general. Just like centrism almost always ends up serving right-of-center goals and aspirations over more progressive,

I’ll contribute to the conversation because bullshitters like you need to be called out for what you are. You’re the one saying what amounts to, “The meaning of the N-Word has been muddied” when there has never been any question of its meaning or intent. Yet you go on to muddy the waters by inserting how black people

As beautiful as that is now, I guarantee you this racist piece of fascist garbage believes he’s “being oppressed”.

He’s a bad faith troll. Besides, as you’ve already said, fascists always commit logocide in order to redefine meanings. Christian evangelical fascists, for example, have been known to do this. According to Chris Hedges’ (prescient) 2006 book, American Fascists:

That’s the thing about racists and other right wing scum: they often overestimate their intelligence and ability to confuse and trick people. They’re so used to gaslighting, they think they’re masters of it.

Even with the klan robe and cross burning, they’d find a way to reduce it to “Well, he’s a jokester!” or “Ya know, not everyone who wears a white robe and burns a cross is a racist.”

Yeah, I posted that link already in response to a right wing troll.

You’re obfuscating, but that’s okay. I understand you want to minimize the reality that thousands of white nationalists are getting trained in the deadly arts. I get it, it’s important to you to continue to have people unaware. But the problem is that I’m of course speaking of those who are most clearly training in

Definitely. White nationalism acts like a cancer, spreading through society. It’s insidious, and the worst part is that these sociopaths are able to work and live amongst the people they despise while secretly looking forward to the day they’re all “peacefully displaced”.

It’s well-known that fascists and other white supremacists use the military as a way to train and learn how to fight and strategize (which they then pass along onto others). I’ve also read that they’ve begun training with more openly fascist military organizations in Eastern Europe, as well. These fuckers are

That was beautiful, especially considering how many fascist right wing thugs see themselves in Covington. It was like when Jesse Owens beat Luz Long in the 1934 Olympics, except apparently Luz Long was somehow kind to Owens. He was a fascist but I guess not a bully? Go figure.

I meant in general, but yeah specifically, cops are irrational man-children.

If a child saying something shitty to you is enough for you to fly off the handle like this and almost murder said child (and yes, even if this child has had a “history” of talking back), then you’re worse than whatever “bad behavior” this child was exhibiting. You’re a violent, intellectually stunted man-child who

“I don’t believe it because I refuse to try to understand it, and therefore it makes my point valid on the grounds that it’s me and that’s what I’m believing.”

Fair enough, but I just want to point out that I’m not the one voting alongside white nationalists in a belief that I’m one of them, even though they hate me. And I don’t consider white Jewish people as “not white” or an “other”, because they are white to me. They benefit from white privilege like any other white

My apologies! I checked their backlog of comments and didn’t immediately see anything that stood out as trollish, but I’ll accept that they may very well be a troll.

Well, that was an unintentional aspect, but I can see that being read that way. My intention is to point out that, regardless of how right wing Jewish people (I’m not speaking of Jewish people as a whole, but particularly of right wing Jewish people) view themselves, they will never be white to white nationalists and