Just another thing the Boondocks got right.
Just another thing the Boondocks got right.
What’s hilarious is that everyone knows that shit is an obvious, racist dog-whistle for “white culture”, despite the fact that “white culture” doesn’t really exist as its own entity, but rather is an amalgam of the location they’re in, the cultures that were absorbed and exploited by them (through western imperialism)…
Agreed, but he’s a violent, sociopathic and cruel racist sack of shit, so he’ll be satisfied with himself despite mockery. What he needs is to be put to sleep.
The end of a knife has a good point, as well. Maybe you should see how far it goes into your eye, fascist?
kill yourself, fascist trash
That was his intention from the start, with the size of their hands comment. Just another “I’m so sick of political correctness!!” sociopathic right winger who showcases why political correctness (i.e. decency) exists: to deny and ostracize offensive creeps like him.
We know what you’re getting at, but nice try, chucklefuck right winger
If something said is thoughtless and stupid because it’s racist, then you’ve answered your own question.
Bolsonaro is gaslighting. Classic fascist bullshit. “Apologize for getting offended and I’ll maybe probably (but most likely won’t) stop the Amazon from burning down so I can make billions for myself and my elite friends and ethnically cleanse the Amazon of indigenous people!”
Stop being pedantic. This case of self-censorship isn’t forced upon a person by government or authority, just by public outcry. He could have chosen to double-down on it, and he did, and kept it the way he meant it to be: alt-right as fuck, like the fucking trash fascist clown that he is.
Evil is a loaded word, as it often implies some form of spiritual threat to the ideal of the human spirit, and it’s too simple for messy human reasons and issues that create what can be perceived as evil, often from the banal offices of major corporations and their benefactors in congress. But I have no problem…
She’s as cruel, racist and disdainful of “the lesser people” as all the other elites that laugh and cavort with our authoritarian scumbag despot.
lol keep moving the goalposts. Why are you so proud to shit on the voting rights of people who don’t view as human beings and worthy of citizenship, but so scared to just admit you’re a racist piece of shit that views anyone standing up for their rights as “whining”. And the fact that you believe the lie that Trump…
Actually, they often vote Democratically, but yeah, there are swaths of the population that have voted Republican, and/or ran as Republicans in local offices. It happened with more frequency in the past, but current anti-minority stances (like this act of voter suppression, for example) of the modern Republican party…
He will be re-elected for numerous reasons, the least of which will be Russian interference. It’ll happen, sure, but what will decide the election are selfish, greedy people who would rather he hurt those they view as unworthy of assistance, social services or whatever, than risk “losing” whatever they perceive their…
You can’t use a PO box to vote, you dipshit fascist piece of trash. But of course, you find a way to shame victims of voter suppression that you find undesirable, painting them as inept and too lazy to “vote properly”. My guess is you don’t like the way they’d vote, assuming you “know” how they would because of your…
I mean, if she’s saying that as a cynical, satirical statement, it sort of makes sense.
Yep, whenever some shithead right winger tries arguing that fascism is anti-capitalist, I point to that and Henry Ford. Capitalism, deregulated and politically empowered, will always become Corporatism, which works harmoniously with fascism.
What’s even more unsettling about “no more bullshit” as a tagline is that it implies that they’ll be taking more violent action against those they perceive as enemies. How they can deny their fascism and still gleefully profess that they can’t wait for ethnic cleansing, criminalization of the marginalized and erosion…
“We’re really sorry we sent out a link to a white supremacist website! Really, really sorry lol” - The newly christened DOWNJ (Department of White Nationalist Justice)