This is the centrist’s main ethos: Meaningful change = risks to our wallets, despite the fact eliminating private health insurance entirely would be amazing for our wallets. Not so much for establishment Democratic candidates, though.
This is the centrist’s main ethos: Meaningful change = risks to our wallets, despite the fact eliminating private health insurance entirely would be amazing for our wallets. Not so much for establishment Democratic candidates, though.
Hang yourself fascist
It’s an extension of shrouding cruelty, toxic chauvinism and heartlessness as “jokes”, “satire” or “irony” (despite the fact jokes that punch down only seem to land for sociopaths and narcissists, being a piece of shit isn’t “satire” since you’re not really satirizing as much as you’re celebrating, and that irony…
You’re disingenuous, because you’re claiming that any idea that isn’t a “far left idea” is getting unfairly lambasted, but when you look at those “ideas”, they’re often of the “tough shit, stay in your shitholes” type. Sure, you can dress it up as, “Why don’t they stay there and make their countries better?” or…
What “facts and logic” do they use when “rebuking” the humanity of immigrants, and the insincerity of their concerns for “legal” immigration when they (the right wing alongside the Trump Administration) intend to chip away at legal immigration to make it almost unfeasible, as well as targeting naturalized citizens?
From the unfortunate response by the Holocaust Museum, and this (alongside many others), it’s become clear to me that the driving reasoning behind those claiming that these aren’t concentration camps, and that they aren’t objectively evil, is that they’re offended that the suffering that their people went through is…
He’s a fascist troll (the croissant guy), and for real. He’s spoken in great length about how it’s wonderful that the U.S. is seeking to ethnically cleanse itself, that there’s “nothing wrong with wanting to protect white people from genocide”, while gleefully celebrating the idea that we’ll be committing genocide…
Please dismiss that croissant fascist fuck. He openly celebrates genocide, ethnic cleansing and is as far right as he is an incel. The sheer idea that he’s speaking “in all seriousness” about suicide is laughably insincere.
TRUMP: Give me more money!! These kids are dying because of willful neglect because you democrats won’t give me more money!!
Exactly. This centrist golden calf is literally a “boy band” of Democratic politics: he thinks he has/is the formula to win big, and views this whole thing as a game, like any other career politician. He’d rather be campaigning at hip music festivals that cater to suburban, pseudo-progressive white kids than getting…
I can’t wait until the shit hits the fan. You’ll be the first with a knife in your eye.
He’s a “Yang Gang” right wing troll. Another insincere troll intended to sow division in an already divisive democratic race for the front-runner, as well as a troll rooted in traditional “online poll trolling”, like when they helped get some creep who wanted to smell Taylor Swift’s hair to the first place of a fan…
You really should consider suicide, because it must be so hard knowing there are still plenty of latino citizens that are coexisting in “your America”.
Anyone who actively sees this as “justice”, including the stripping away of basic human rights, is beyond just a “troll” at this point. You’re evil, fascist pieces of trash who desire ethnic cleansing above all else. Your pithy concerns about “legal immigration” are negated by your beloved regime’s plans to make…
A world where empathy and compassion are relegated for the weak, and tribalistic jingoism, nationalistic xenophobia and unbridled racism are held up as virtues of strength and patriotism by a cruel, evil political ideology in the right wing.
Once he actually starts jailing journalists for taking any photo, you’re going to have the usual right wing pieces of trash on here saying, “YOU CAN’T TAKE PHOTOS OF THE PRESLEYDENT!! IT’S AGAINST TEH LAWS” and you’ll have your smug, shit-eating right wing asshole saying, “Maybe next time, don’t take a photo.” or the…
“We’ve offered solutions to you bleeding hear leftists! Like concentration camps, mass displacement, hell, even death through negligence! We’ve even offered to completely halt immigration from brown and black nations, unless we have oil contracts with them! The sheer fact that you continue to be unhappy about this…
When latinos who misguidedly believe that if they side with the right wing, they’ll be safe from any action taken against their fellow people (as in they’ll be viewed as “the good ones” who did things “the right way”), what they are willfully forgetting is that “the right way” can be changed, updated, amended, etc.…
Include naturalized citizens in that list, as well.
It’s really quite amazing and disturbing at how the right wing has successfully influenced the mainstream media to stop talking about how horrifying these concentration camps are, to arguing about semantical differences between these concentration camps and Nazi death camps. As if one never begat the other. This is…