
Adding to that, our “culture” is derived from a myriad of influences, ranging from European to Mexican. Anything we’ve “conquered” has become assimilated into that “culture.” Besides, just saying culture as a catch-all for racist dogwhistles is nebulous because it’s not a proper metric by any stretch. Just admit

Shut the fuck up. Reveling in being a douche is your choice, and someone who isn’t playing as well as you doesn’t deserve to hear it just because it’s “toughening someone up”.

This dude is such a caricature of your stereotypical racist bully piece of shit meathead. Dudes like this revel in the fact that they’re massive and can’t be taken down by just anyone, so they adore their violence. Unless, of course, you’re a good shot.

As much as those on the right want to loudly shout, “THEY’RE ILLEGAL SO THAT MEANS THEY ARE CRIMINALS!!” (which can be easily rebutted by pointing out the amount of corruption and criminals in the Trump administration and yet they still enjoy their support but whatever), it was never about that. It’s about a symbol

Why is it always oppressively raining in these modern Godzilla movies?

“Why do you care about anything when like there’s all this other stuff in the world?” - a brave white man

lol laughing at the right wing trolls, “uhhh antifa are the real fascists!! They don’t let fascists and racists speak at universities! They punch Nazis!! It’s fascism to tell me I can’t be racist!!”

If your enemies are anti-fascists, then you’re a fucking fascist. And yeah, I know they know that, as that’s what crypto-fascists do. They *wink wink* their evil.

THIS JUST IN: Spineless neoliberal moderates believe “rocking the boat” with constitutionally mandated effort to be “too risky” for strategy to win votes with white supremacists, fascists, neoconservatives and other right wing dregs.

Throw him out with the bath water. Fuck this crypto-fascist.

“We didn’t mean to kill the kids we’ve detained indefinitely in concentration camps, where we ignore their cries and pleas, mock them over their victimization by our hands and consider them subhuman insects! This is an outrage!! What ever happened to civility?!” - an insincere, evil, violent sociopathic fascist

“Ugh you can’t even TALK to women anymore!” - a right wing incel, probably

How ironic, an unrepentant creep who thinks that nonconsensual relationships with goddamn children based around power and the destruction of innocence is the same as consenting adults pursuing same-sex relationships also thinks it’s racist to call out white people for their racist behavior.

splinternewsisacancertodiscourse: You can’t prove Farage is a racist. All you’re doing is making people more racist by calling him a racist.

“LMAO if you tell racists that they’re being racist, and then you call them Nazis for wanting to forcibly displace people of color from their homes, then all you’re doing is making people more racist lololol.” - You

100% THIS

LOL the amount of times I’ve seen (anecdotal, yes, but still) white people just throw their fucking trash onto the fucking ground when there’s a perfectly fine and not full trash receptacle nearby, a mere 5 feet away, would be the equivalent to the grains of sand in a relatively sizable beach.

Except it isn’t a zero-sum game. And antifa isn’t a monolithic group, it’s merely people who are antifascist. Some wear masks because, guess what, the police and fascists work hard, together, to out antifascist activists. Their lives are at stake when they show up to protest fascists, or when they defend people at

Nah. Death to you, though. I hope a serrated blade finds its way to your throat, fash

Kill yourself, right wing scum