
Fascinating, coming from someone who delved deeply into pizzagate and FEMA camps run by Obama or whatever else narrative you right wing clogs made up.

White supremacists are not “the people.” They’re “the cancer.”

I bet you really think you’re some sort of “soldier” for the right wing. The troll army where you confront (((libs))) and “degenerates” to further your fuhrer’s cause, am I right? Eh, you right wing piece of shit?

Exactly! The issue isn’t that they can or should be taught that they are wrong. They don’t care, and they don’t see it as wrong since their view of themselves is one of superiority and privilege that is bestowed as some sort of divine right; to subjugate, to control, to conquer and to eliminate. It’s why they hold the

Well look at that, the right wing on their coordinated effort to spread disinformation, and with such urgency! It’s almost like it’s in their best interest to quickly muddy the waters of this discussion so that no one knows who is reprehensible anymore, so that their precious spawn that they must “secure” for their

Seriously. I just wish they would use that circle logo with LOL over the article or something.

Eliminate them all.

It’s what bullies say to convince others that all it takes to be “hilarious” is to say horrendous shit, without any substance or reason behind it other than they can (and for many, that they’re actually racist, bigoted assholes). It really is amazing how many edgey dipshits (usually right wing) think saying racist,

There’s a lot of dark money in the right-wing, as well financiers who are willing to support the lives of these mega trolls. They’re important in their goal of spreading of misinformation, coordinated trolling campaigns, harassment campaigns and more.

Speaking of unremarkable incel losers who hold a strong desire to make an impact of some sort in their pathetic, empty lives so they side with a ravenous, hate-fueled hivemind that validates their blame of women, marginalized people and people of color, here’s Bob!

It’s really funny how quickly Piers ran to the waiting arms of the right wing after he was called out on his insipid, narrow-minded, myopic beliefs. Instead of introspection and self-betterment, he decided to team up with the d-bags who support that toxic shit. Most of these assholes always do.

Really? What are those peer reviews that disprove those “shoddy studies?” And what studies are done about men that result in conclusions that they aren’t human? Are you sure you’re not projecting your own fears of the same dehumanization you commit against women and marginalized people? Also fuck you.

Didn’t realize that was also tomatodouche. It’s literally him, croissant and a few other pathetic incels who will never escape the grays

Exactly. They just need the narrative to exist, to take form in people’s news feeds and social media posts. They need it validated and repeated by more influential, powerful people. They only need their version to exist and to be repeated enough that it lands on par with the truth, with reality. It’s why “alternative

Yet you support a wall that will destroy many local ecosystems and wildlife? Fascists like you don’t seem to think things through, or at the very least, are really good at compartmentalizing two different, incompatible ideas into “one.”

If there’s one person who deserves a knife straight into his throat, it’s this Max Misch piece of shit.

Go to hell fascist

As it was, as it always will be: socialism for the wealthy and powerful, rugged individualist capitalism for the rest.

Again you’re misleading with those stats:

According to the DOJ’s Bureau of Justice Statistics in 2017: