
The thing about “white nationalists” is that they have very little to be proud of besides their skin color and, for some, station in life. Those are also things that are usually passed down to them. If they’re white and poor? Well, at least they’re better than the “coloreds” in the eyes of their betters. The problem

Fascists and white supremacists get very mad when you call them fascists and white supremacists. It’s why they have no issues claiming falsehoods like “socialism is fascism” or that “fascism is left wing”, because even though it must hurt to speak so ill about the ideology they love and live by, it serves their

Go fuck yourself, you obfuscating asshole

“I’ve lived here for 27 years and I just found the courage to harass my black neighbors!”

The right wing deserves to be burned deep into the ground, its ashes forever ensconced in dirt and grime.

Andrew Anglin is a pathetic little worm who’s unrequited romantic affections “forced” him into an ideology of hate and cruelty. He’s a sociopath and narcissist so it wasn’t a huge leap for the piece of shit, but the fact that he did it because he was an unremarkable, sad-sack of shit is fucking hilarious.

lol why do right-wing intellectual peasants like you always think that using the words of the left, but in a twisted manner, is a great “gotcha” maneuver? You’re not even saying anything remotely cogent, and maybe that’s by design (you probably believe someone saying, “Please don’t say racist shit to me” as

This isn’t what you do when you want to “reform” immigration, or support those who “do it the right way.” It’s always been disingenuous as fuck, which isn’t surprising because right-wing nationalists (read: fascists) hold hypocrisy and cruelty close to their hearts, but the kind of evil that you need to be to say you

I bet he’s super sad he can’t get that trendy fash hair cut most fascists get, but his close approximation to Goebbels must make up for it.

PewDiePie is one of those who always seems to “accidentally” influence his millions of fans, mostly kids and mostly gamers, to visit white supremacist social media accounts. “Woops! I had nein clue!”

Obvious pyramid scheme is obvious

They should just stop trying to pretend like they care, and just come out with it:

The thing we need to remember about Tawdry Lohan is that she was most likely one of the most unremarkable people, probably like the 20th kind of attractive person, in her home village (which was actually a right-wing think tank that hosts a incubation chamber where these creatures are created) so she found a niche

The hundreds of thousands of immigrants, residents and former citizens (stripped of their citizenship through nebulous means) that are currently indefinitely detained can definitely just “go home and do other stuff.” *eye roll*

Somewhere on this fucker’s computer is a full paper on the benefits of genocide. Fuck you and die. Hopefully soon, you vile, cretinous piece of shit.

It’s hilarious that the fascist right cannot comprehend that some wealthy people won’t dedicate their funds to far-right campaigns and coordinated efforts like propaganda and the spread of misinformation. Instead, they chose to fund journalists. The horror!

The fact this sort of nod to the fascist far-right is in mainstream conversation is appalling enough, but the fact that Ann Coulter still has a television presence may outweigh that.

Maybe it’s because “opinions” like:

The only thing I’ve gained from this is a hankering for tortellini.

I mean, I would hate on them but my dream vacation spots always include me going, “I’d love to visit there... and smoke weed there.”