
What’s funny about the fascists’ narrative about Latin America is that they’ve created this fairy tale about how we’re wasting our money on them in foreign aid for no reason whatsoever, and that they’re just failed, corrupt states that send their worst here, because of their own doing. Then this fascist in particular

Kill all fascists.

He won’t “infringe” on anyone’s gun rights (unless they’re a person of color), but he sure as hell will infringe on someone’s legal ability to have weed, despite Washington’s lax laws.

“Want nature to take its course.” Wait, is he talking about some people hoping nature destroys us all and starts anew? I’m pretty sure many ancient civilizations were hoping for that very same thing. Hell, I’m pretty sure that’s what “the rapture” is all about.

Lol those right wing jackasses are looking for anything to go, “SEE??!! SEE?!! TOTALLY UNQUALIFIED!! LOLOLOL!!”

That douchebag was told that she knows nothing about economics by wealthy white men in suits controlling their only trusted media source, which so happens to be a propaganda machine for their god emperor. It’s like being fed dung, told that that dung is actually really delicious, and anything else that contradicts it

These are trolls in real life. This is the sort of psychological damage they hope to cause, and it’s that anonymity; that secrecy that drives them, at the heart of their fascist cabal. Like, it’s one thing if someone writes “fuck the police” on the wall, because that’s not targeting a disenfranchised, oppressed,

Lean In was the exploitation of a great idea (equal pay, equitable presence and empowerment for women in the work place) for the sole benefit of wealthy, white women. It was a garbage movement, because it used the problem of the common woman, where her experiences with a gender gap in wagers negatively impacted her

The fact remains that right-wing trolls; some “bots,” but many birthed during the earliest days of violent trolling and harassment campaigns in the ‘00s, have changed and influenced the course of sociopolitical discourse in this country and perhaps the world.

So their “defense,” “You’re calling me a racist, but what about abortion, hmm??”, is basically the equivalent of saying, “You think it’s cold outside, but what about volleyball, hmm?? Yeah. Think about it.

It makes me sad that more white supremacist, fascist garbage human beings, poor excuses they are for our species, don’t off themselves with more regularity. It’s a shame, because that just means someone else is going to have to pull the trigger for them.

This monster is the worst of Henry Anslinger and Joseph McCarthy all rolled into one little white turd, chock full of that vapid “well gosh” style of pathetic Southern politeness. His racist vision and cruel beliefs will dominate issues surrounding justice for many decades to come. I feel bad sorry for any future

It’s been said a lot recently, but I think it warrants repeating: white people, whether they identify as male or female, tend to gamble that their interests should be aligned with those of a white supremacists, even if they themselves don’t necessarily consider themselves white supremacists. They view an equal piece

“Won’t you please think of his children??!”

Please dismiss Grain Silo Croissant. The racist piece of shit was gleefully expressing his desire for ethnic cleansing, genocide and the eradication of people of color in the midst of his dream of “warring states,” namely a white ethnostate versus everyone else. That vile piece of garbage has no right to claim himself

Jews who support Trump and his fascist goons/enablers are going to be in a rude awakening if they gain all the power and influence they’ve been itching for (especially his alt-right minions and white supremacist buddies).

It’s amazing how these racist, right wing trolls; these cancer cells upon humanity, are arguing that they deserve the power and that it’s only fair and has nothing to do with race, while simultaneously being racist as all fuck and chuckling to themselves about it.

I mean, look, if your side NEEDS to, requires and must spread misinformation, concoct coordinated conspiracies like harassment campaigns, weaponized trolling and death threats, then you don’t deserve to rule anything, set policy or conduct national and international politics. You’re a cancer, a deviation from what

Lol like clock-work, “virtue signal SJW lolol so triggered.” You can fuck right on off, fash.

While I know that I’ll be one of those most likely to remain in the grays (as my entire thing is to aggressively say “fuck you” to every right wing piece of shit since I don’t think there’s anything to discuss in any cordial manner anymore and I’m proud to do it), I support this decision. When we need to debate or