
Fascists will die by the thousands, just as many as the “progressives” you plan on killing. I hope to send a few of you right-wing thugs to your eternal nothingness when the shit hits the fan. I know I’ll go, too, no denying that. But I will make goddamn sure I take a few of you goons with me.

Lol, no they didn’t, fascist gaslighter

Yeah, I’ve already seen that on Facebook. It’s hilarious that they think they can pinpoint “fresh new stickers” on a fucking van from those photos. Lol, fuck the right wing. “DEFLECT. DEFLECT. DEFLECT.”

This piece of shit has no empathy and views himself as arbiter of law and order (he thinks little brown children should be locked up indefinitely if they even think of coming here, but doesn’t bat an eye at a white supremacist mailing bombs).

“The high road” is a fucking dead-end when the other side obliterates it by going as low as they can go, and then mock and laugh at anyone who tries to take it, while simultaneously wringing their hands and holding “libs” to a high moral standard when they utter even the smallest complaint outside the realms of

LOL “This one italian dude who inspired Mussolini really liked Marx! How about that??!! Checkmate liberals!!”

Fascism, or any far-right ideology, does not deserve compassion. If you wish to forcibly displace people, argue that some aren’t even worthy of human rights or are, in any way, “subhuman,” then that ideology does not deserve mine or anyone else’s time or respect. It deserves to be extinguished.

I will once you’re gone. Preferably “missing” and found months later, in an abandoned lot nearby some interstate. Hopefully you go without a name for decades.

Kill the right wing

I know you find your violent, sociopathic beliefs funny. Trust me, I understand why you do. It gives you a sense of power, it lords fear over others, and it makes you feel like you’re part of a larger movement of a singularly focused hivemind. I’m sure you’ve been at it since 2005, telling autistic kids to kill

You’re talking to a well-known racist troll (tomatoface). They’re not deserving of conversation, but they are deserving of death.

We’re going to have a full-on battle on the streets soon enough. There are already skirmishes between anti-fascists and the fucking neo blackshirt pieces of trash, but this is going to grow into something much worse. I’m not excited for it, like so many of those right-wing cancerous carbon blobs are. It’s tragic; I

“Anti-globalists”, fascists, white nationalists and others who are aligned with them, don’t make any fucking sense. They want a world cut-off from each other, but their ethos is conquest and violence. They want a separation of peoples, forced displacement and ethnic cleansing, but they “care” about their country that

Ah, you must be that (((globalist))) scum I always hear about, right?

Commit to suicide. You’ll find it pisses off the “libs” more than you think, fascist fuck.

Where’s the civility??” Fuck you. One person was harassing someone who has no power, who is not guilty of anything else other than existing. The other person was yelling at a man who has orchestrated the greatest grift of our nations social programs, has chipped away at our democratic institutions so thoroughly that

And I bet you don’t care what any other study says, because that one aligns with your deeply held bias, like the piece of shit right wing trash you are.

Fucking apologist for this bullshit, you should be strung up somewhere

Says the racist piece of shit who probably speeds through traffic, cuts people off and ignores stops signs.