Kill all right-wing trolls. Find them, and assassinate them. One by one. There should be small mercenary squads seeking them out, with the help of a few internet savvy folks.
Kill all right-wing trolls. Find them, and assassinate them. One by one. There should be small mercenary squads seeking them out, with the help of a few internet savvy folks.
Kill yourself, fascist.
So all the supposedly alpha male jackoffs of the alt-right who bestowed Swift the title of alt-right bae are now drowning in their tears and semen?
This is how the right wing operates. They create these full-scale harassment and trolling campaigns, threatening violence or worse, because fear is a motivator for them. It makes them laugh. They also create a smokescreen because, on the surface, “diversity month” seems harmless. Except its intention is to:
Dave Rochlin thinks immigrants are “vermin” and need to be eradicated. Ironically, the cure for modern day right wing fanaticism is eradication.
Hey, I’m cool with white people if they’re kind, honest (as much as we can be as humans) and retain basic human decency. I have no issues with white people, as a whole, or even as an abstraction of a population. But I have a problem with white people who know they benefit from the systems largely in place for them,…
To the racist piece of shit attempting to justify an example of ethnic cleansing to you: here’s what you’re conveniently leaving out:
When I see them, I imagine what they would be like lying stiff on the fields, blood congealed and eyes popped out, with carrion birds having their fill.
To all right wing Jewish people, especially those who see no problem with fascism/authoritarianism:
High school is where so many racist thugs and right wing dipshits get their big boy pants. They’re usually violent bullies or uncomfortably awkward pseudo-intellectuals who feel ostracized because “women won’t date them.” Sometimes they become local cops, or hold some local political office, which is a frightening…
E D G E Y B R O, I H O P E Y O U R E G U L A R L Y S T I C K Y O U R F I N G E R U P Y O U R A S S B E C A U S E Y O U A R E C L E A R L Y C O N S T I P A T E D A S F U C K
I fucking hate that sullen, “I know this hurts, it’s just we can’t do anything about this. We must go forward” type of facial expression this piece of shit and all others like him have. It’s supposed to be this stoic resilience in the face of adversity, and a humble acceptance of its inevitability, yet... THEY’RE THE…
It’s time, end the right wing.
Fuck the right wing. They will finally get everything they’ve wanted: the end of Roe vs Wade, ethnic cleansing without the trouble of sugar coating it, the destruction of labor rights, the destruction of our environment for little more than greed and power for those who already wield an astronomical amount of it, and…
Yup, that’s the monstrous dolt all right
Hell yes
Wasn’t there some racist, meathead bully piece of shit who was the consistent antagonist to her? He’s like a well-known, violent sociopathic troll and waves his Nazi-esque kekistani flags proud. I really think someone should just track him down and shoot his fucking eyes out.
Lol at All Lives Matter 2020. I hope you eat like trash and have a heart attack or get cancer, because you sure as hell are a cancerous, festering pustule on the face of progress.
We seriously need to start a war with white supremacists, in all avenues of power and influence. From the lowliest scumbag scratching his nutsack while seig hieling in front of the confederate flag, to the racist, classist pseudointellectual elites who clink wine glasses at high-end parties, pondering the benefits of…
If there’s anyone who deserves a shank straight to the throat the second they say anything, it’s always a racist bro. Kill them, openly. Problems solved.