
Nobody (outside of right-wing circles) does egg on their face as well as Jez. 

This feels like a markedly different tone from the article you published, let’s see, two days ago.

Gee, a bubblegum feelgood movie starring a pretty blonde might outdraw a biopic about a brilliant but dour man who ushered in the tool to our own extinction? Color me shocked that people would want to plunk down their money for a truly escapist 2 hours in the theater vs a 3 hour slog documenting the seeds to our

This movie could literally show Barbie taking a shit in a cardboard box and this site would have given it a good review. 

Uhh, they’re clearly right in front of Lambert in the first row. I can’t imagine how distracting that would be mid-song and she was 100% in the right to call them out. Not that the message appears to have landed.

If clothing was so tight it could stem blood flow to a gun shot wound, it would also be preventing proper blood flow to those areas before the wound happened. This would be very bad - especially as it would have been happening all over her body.

I demand that they nominate indigenous people and fatties, regardless of quality.

The fact that you went after White Males is so contrived and basic of you...

Meanwhile, UPS workers are set to strike, but we’re barely hearing about it. Even though that will actually, y’know, AFFECT people outside of their industry.

I think you’ll find if you do some introspection that you’re actually racist and mad about Phillipa. 

Wow, Kotaku almost went an entire article without making it about racial issues. Was it physically painful to write that long before you had to get your fix and blame “cis, white, straight dudes”?

Yea, no, the ire the show gets is definitely because Philippa is black and not because the writing is fucking terrible.

16 year old girls empowering themselves mimicking their heroic feminist icon sex workers. Hustle queens!!! Who are we to victimize them? It’s misogyny not supporting their ability to sleep their way to the top!!! 


“Cancel Culture doesn’t exist” claims website trying to shame man for his fairly mild opinions.

This article kinda proves his point, doesn’t it?

I might watch the whole interview now. To see if he actually says something unreasonable.

This website is really, really bad.

“To be fair, Cox comes off as even-handed” after paragraphs painting a completely different picture. I’m not going to watch the interview, because fuck Piers Morgan, but it sure *seems* like quotes are being plucked at least slightly out of context for clicks. I have no illusions that everything a 77-year-old white

Never let a controversial issue go by without letting everyone know exactly what a person like you thinks!

I am sorry that the truth of the world is too much for you to handle. 

Why are a bunch of 16 year old girls hanging out at an adult Hollywood party?  Casting couch regret is a mother fucker...