Someone got paid to write this shit
Someone got paid to write this shit
Oh I like that one.
Why do you hate white people Timmy?
I'm so confused. Deadspin has been telling me that black people are nonviolent
Rory gonna win the next two majors. Bet on it.
Father’s Day in black households is a lonely affair
Black people doing black people things
So men's rights are to be mocked but feminism is great.
Sand really levels the fighting field.
Probably owgs right????
You aren't much for personal responsibility amongst blacks
Typical black person. Ruining the hard work of a white man
They canceled black father night since no one showed up
It's like men's soccer player under water
Same goes for the library
Kinda funny that shitty movies get credit just for being “black.” We've lowered the standards for blacks everywhere else so I guess why not here too
Oh look more middle class white kids at deadspin trying to be hip
Deadspin talks about dicks an awful lot.
Oh look you came to the rescue of the oppressed black man.
It's like tom ley saying he's straight because his mom gave him a kiss on the cheek