You will need a screwdriver, a pair of tweezers, a magnifying glass (optional), some salt (~1tbsp), and a bag of chicken feed, preferably corn-based.
You will need a screwdriver, a pair of tweezers, a magnifying glass (optional), some salt (~1tbsp), and a bag of chicken feed, preferably corn-based.
I for one will be disappointed if Golden State chooses not to go to Washington. Opportunities like this come along once in a lifetime, if that. I think the Warriors, provided they receive an invitation, had better think long and hard about how to respond. It is a personal meeting with the Goddamn President of the…
I’ve said it before: Jeff Sessions was a little too racist for 1986, but just racist enough for 2017.
What would you prefer?
“There’s a reason no “news” agency, i.e. bloomberg, cnn, fox, abc, nbc etc refers to him as the “dickwad cheeto” no matter how much they may want to.”
No. I will continue to portray President Trump as the macabre, panic-inducing cartoon that he is. If I don’t have the freedom to express my point of view as I’d like, then we’ve already lost this great battle for liberty, and Russia might as well move into the West Wing.
Yeah! Let’s talk about the name calling, that’s what’s really important here. It’s vital that we show respect for a man who insinuated that our previous president was not a US citizen, that one of his opponents’ father helped kill JFK, that a female debate moderator had “blood coming out of her wherever,” that John…
This isn’t middle school, turnip is a fuckhead and needs to be removed from office as quickly as possible. Calling him a cheetos cocksucker doesn’t change the facts, the details, the piece of shit that guy is and you need to recognize it instead of complaining about misc words here and there. Look at the primary…
Oh come on! This has been house style to refer to Donald Trump (eww, so boring) since day one of the campaign and it even goes back to the eighties and Spy Magazine which would consistently refer to him as a “short-fingered vulgarian”. Kids these days! Do we need to explain everything?
Doesn’t undermine anything. What are you talking about? If you care one whit less about what the Russians are doing because someone calls a turd a turd, then maybe you never cared that much in the first place.
Hey, commenter, you’re free to go read Reuters.
One thing I cannot figure out about Trump is why he is trying to stop the Russian investigation. He either has something nefarious to hide or he is an incredibly stupid man whose ego is bruised by the accusation that the Russians helped him win, or perhaps both.
This is not a news agency. This is a tech blog written by young people who listen to rap music and hang out on your lawn.
There’s plenty of places that do just what you’re saying - I enjoy a bit of name-calling with my news, when deserved.
Ladies and gentlemen, please post your best POTUS pet names here:
Anyone who’s followed our electronic voting machines over the past decade should already have nagging doubts about the results of our elections. They’re AWFUL.
Then read those other news providers you dickwad cheeto.
If you need to explain your joke it wasn’t a very good joke.
You know, there was a period of several years in my life where I was a single mother making not QUITE enough money to pay for rent and food and childcare. It would have been easier for me to NOT work and collect welfare; I made just enough that I was above the cutoff for things like WIC and Medicare, and I could have…
Republicans Rule Book...