Fuck those faggot ass Australian cars anyway.
Fuck those faggot ass Australian cars anyway.
People that are okay with BDSM in the first place are sick in the head, and need help.
The only relevant fact is that Democunts don’t have the mind power to think for themselves. They need big brother holding their whiny little bitch hands. Lol
Lol You’re retarded.
Next up is CNN and all of the other fake news outlets. :)
Gayest shit I have read all day.
Get rid of this piece of shit.
It’s cute you think the U.S. cares.
And it is also the same thing we wonder regarding other countries’ gun laws whenever unnecessary murders are committed that could have been stopped by a good guy with a gun.
Judging by California and New York, a state can hold quite a few fucked up people.
Lol “fdom...” Shut you down.
You are retarded. Do not post without fact checking. Every state in the U.S. requires you to run a background check whenever purchasing a weapon from a FFL. Everything else that you mentioned are rights under the constitution.
You are so retarded that I don’t even know where to start with what you said. Hopefully you are required to wear a helmet 24/7.
The sick part is that this will not be mentioned in the news, because it further proves that blacks/Hispanics commit more of these crimes than Asians or white people do.
It was the second most viewed show on the channel. You haven’t the slightest fucking idea what you are talkimg about. His show was solely cancelled for having conservstive views you retarded faggot. Lol
If they cancelled “Modern Family” for it’s liberal views you faggots would be so fucking butt hurt. Biased little bitches. Lol
He certainly beats having the outlandish cunt that ran against him in office. That evil bitch needs to be assassinated. And don’t even get me started on that dip shit Bernie Sanders. He’s such a confused little man. Lmao
That cunt deserves to be fired.
The fact that you argue the point proves that you don’t understand what it means in the slightest of ways.