
Obama gave up single-payer immediately. He is either a terrible negotiator or never wanted it in the first place (more likely).

I would prefer to have a President that at least tries to do things I agree with. The way Obama so quickly gave up on single-payer was a disgrace.

I was under the impression the TPP was a “take it or leave it”document.

Every feminists is in favor of all porn? No.

In a democracy people are allowed to vote for the candidate who they feel best represents their views.

You’re stalking me now? You mad, bro?

You keep making wrong assumptions about me. Try again.

This is about morals. How can you support the exploitation and objectification of women?

Didn’t vote for Obama. Clearly you’ve supported at least two warmongering presidents and are upset when that is pointed out to you. Hope you get help with your anger issues.

People are upset because politicians use their leverage to advocate things they believe in?

Do you have a source for that? She is a doctor so I would be skeptical. Willing to change my mind if proven wrong!

I think what is “wrong” with them is they have decades of evidence that Hillary Clinton is a craven, manipulative, politician who caters to elites.

Hahahah holy shit you must be a miserable person. How does it feel to support someone partially responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands? Pat yourself on the back for being so progressive!

There is more than one ideological strand of populism. I never said they were identical. Thanks for the snark.

Probably not. But I’m talking about Clinton. She also won’t have Congress, and unlike Sanders, she has no actual intention of regulating banks or stopping the TPP.

No. His rhetoric is extremely populist. He is running as an anti-establishment/anti-elitist politician. He may be neither of those things in reality, but he is unquestionably running a populist campaign.

Keep telling yourself that...

Clinton “loves war” because she was a strong advocate of several wars over the past decade or so. How is that hard to understand? Uh, yeah, Condoleeza Rice is also a warmonger. Your point is....?

Do you enjoy the degradation, exploitation, and objectification of vulnerable women?

Trump and Sanders are both populists.