- I never said what my beliefs are.
This makes me think of Patton Oswalt's accidental stumble upon an orgy when house hunting.
And this is why judges should be judges for life. Fall asleep on the job? Sure. Don't know what an email is? No problem. Out of touch with reality? Go right ahead!
$ 60 bucks per person is still cheap for a strip club - $ 300 per person is more like it
I'm glad that my awesomeness is appreciated.
Also, props for interviewing an actual stripper for this. In the whole sex worker debate/discussion, the voice I hear the least is of the sex workers themselves!
Everyone is allowed to be a fuck up in some part of their life— I can deal with him being a sometimes slob because when he does something dumb he cleans up his mess without being chewed out. He is also brilliant and funny and kind and caring and my best buddy, so a once monthly visit from the Folgers Fairy (or this…
A lot of my ESL students wrote that they were thankful for me, and it makes me think I didn't properly explain the meaning of the word thankful. Either that, or my name is one of the only English words they know.
I lost my mom to suicide when I was 18 . To say it was hard would be an understatement and it blew up what was left of our family pretty well for a while. My younger brothers had their childhood pretty well truncated by that day, Valentine's Day, 1977.
There's a difference between an OMG and HOG.
You must be in marketing. I haven't heard so much uninformed drivel in a non-politics related thread in a long time.
First: Did not write headline, did not call myself a pacifist. Second: 'asynchronous' simply means not at the same time. I don't think you knew that. And finally, if you don't like it, don't read it. Or write a better article on violence in prison. 'Argumentum ad Hominum' is a very weak criticism. I also suggest you…
Hold up. That's completely uncalled for. I specifically said I've copied (read: stolen) stuff and at no point to condemn people who do. I said I don't understand the logic of the person who sticks it on the internet for everybody and draws attention to themselves.
They make plenty of money on concerts and shirts and crap. I get your point that these people need to be compensated, but I'd say that musicians who make it big make more than enough money.
The Dead Kennedy's gave you an entired blank side to the cassette to tape on.
You are the worst kind of person
People to not piss off:
1) The person who cooks/serves your food
2) The person who does your taxes
3) The person who cuts your hair
4) Mike Tyson
Bacon has turned many a Jew.
"Hey, could you be careful with that pen? I don't want to get any ink on my arm."